Chapter 24

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I snuggle closer to my personal heater, inhaling the woodsy and citrus scent. The Zander scent, as I like to call it. I run my legs closer to the other ones twisted with mine. My eyes shoot open. Personal heater? Manly smell, that smell being Zander's? Legs twisted with my own? And now I'm staring into Zander's eyes.

"Holy shit!" I curse and then the memories of last night come to my mind. The nightmare, calling Zander, asking him to stay. I've humiliated myself. His arm that is draped over my waist starts to rub circles on my back.

"Shhh, you don't want to wake your parents." I try to scramble out of his grip, but he just holds me tighter.

"Let me go Zander." I tell him.

"Chika it's," he looks at the clock hanging on my wall, "6:07, you might want to sleep some more." He smirks at my annoyed expression, but he's right, sleep would be really nice right now. I sigh in defeat and my head falls back on my pillow. I turn away from Zander, but his arm is still draped over me, the grip not as tight. It's more of a comforting hold. I move over a bit, away from Zander, but he just moves closer. I move again and he moves closer. It isn't until I'm on the edge of the bed that Zander move back over and pulls me with him. I just go with it and fall into a deep slumber.

When I wake up for a second time, I am more aware of my surroundings. I feel something poking me in the butt though and it's pretty uncomfortable. I turn and look towards Zander and then my mind actually starts working. Oh. Zander's little man gets excited in the morning. I look at the clock on my wall and it shows 9:35. I would try and get out of Zander's grip, but it's pretty tight. I peel his arm off me, which takes a lot of effort, and try to get out of bed. I start to get out, but his arm pulls me back.

"Not so fast Chika." I shut my eyes in annoyance. He obviously doesn't realize how awkward this is for me, especially considering the fact that Zander Jr is very happy this morning.

"Zander, you are very happy this morning," I tell him. He grumbles something along the lines of 'no I'm not, must have sleep'. I chuckle, "I'm sorry, I meant mini you." His eyes widen in shock.

"There's nothing mini about it." And I am back to the thoughts of Zander's lollipop, as I called it the other day.

"I don't need to have this conversation with you." I tell him.

"If you think I'm lying, I can always prove it." He says. I scrunch my face in disgust. Yes, Zander's hot and all, and I'm sure doing the dirty with him would be amazing, but I'm just going to make him think I wouldn't enjoy that.

"I'm good." I tell him. He licks his lips.

"I'm sure you are."

"Ew, you little perv." I shove his shoulder and he chuckles. His arm is finally off of me, so I can finally get out of bed. I get up and stretch, which feels really nice. The next thing I know, I feel arms snake around my waist. I once again feel Zander Jr excited on my butt. He start to trail small kisses down my neck.

"Are you sure you don't want me to prove it to you," He huskily says, kissing up my neck again. Shivers run through my body. He lifts my shirt up a bit, rubbing his fingers against my skin. He pulls me closer to him and I almost, almost, let out a moan. I turn around to face him, "You sure are excited." He says in his husky voice.

"I wouldn't be talking. You're the one who's excited." I say pointing down towards his package. He pulls me closer towards him so our faces are inches away from each other.

"But you have to admit you're pretty excited." He says, inching his face closer. I shiver, but keep in control.

"I admit it, I'm so excited for breakfast, yum! Can't you smell the bacon?" I jump out of his hold and walk towards my bedroom door. I turn around at the last second, "And you might want to take a cold shower before coming down." I tell him and shut the door behind me. I hear him grumble a bit, but nevertheless, the shower starts about two minutes later. I walk into Zack's room and go over to his dresser. I try to be as fast as I can when I'm in here. The only times I come in here is for his clothes. Some days I just need to steal a sweatshirt of his from his closet, just to have the reminder of his smell. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a shirt for Zander. I go back to my room and put them on my bed, closing the door behind me.

I then make my way downstairs where Maria is cooking breakfast. Mother and father won't be up until 1:00, but Maria still makes me breakfast.

"Did I hear someone else in your room? A male perhaps." I blush.

"Uhh, yeah. A friend stayed over last night." I tell her. She wiggles her eyebrows.

"A guy friend?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, speak of the devil." Zander himself walks into the kitchen smirking.

"You were talking about me?" He says. I roll my eyes at him. His hair is still wet from the shower and he's wearing Zack's clothes, which he can pull off pretty well. But I mean it's Zander, he can wear a tutu and pull it off.

"Don't flatter yourself." I tell him.

"Food!" Maria says. She places the plates which consist of eggs and bacon on the counter. We sit in the chairs. It's a good thing we are still comfortable after everything that happened last night and this morning. My phone vibrates on the counter. I look at it along with Zander. Mind your own business please. I sigh, reading the text.

Brian: hey babe<3

I ignore it, but Zander stares at me. I look at him and he mouths 'we'll talk about this later'. I roll my eyes at him.

"Well Maria, that was amazing. Thank you, but I better get going." Zander says, standing up from his chair. I walk him to the door. We stare at each other for a moment and then he hugs me.

"You'll be okay," he says, "And you can keep my sweatpants, I know you'll wear them." He pulls back and winks, closing the front door behind him. As I hear his motorcycle drive off into the distance, I can't help but think that I already miss him. Ugh, what is this boy doing to me?

Word count:1,165
I like this chapter and goodnight.

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now