Chapter 19

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It's been a week. A week that I wished never ended because now I need to decide. Will I risk my secret and not become a Cobra, or keep my secret a secret and become a Cobra. Both are lose lose situations. The decision is so hard and I have no idea what to do. That's when I found myself dialing Zander's number.

"Chika?" He answers.

"Look, I know I said we should forget, but this is important. Will you come to my house?" I ask.

"Sure, be there in a few." He says and hangs up. I sigh, I hate my life. About fifteen minutes later, there is a knock on my door. I get up expecting Zander, but as I pull the door open, I see Brian.

"Hello C, have you decided?" I gulp in fear. I usually hide my fear around Brian, but now I have no idea what to do.

"Brian, leave!" Zander says. I see him getting out of his car and sigh in relief.

"Oh, if it isn't Zander? What are you doing here bud?" Brian says. I stand in the doorway too scared to say anything.

"None of your business, but you're going to need to go, or else I'll tell my father you're here, considering the fact that he has no idea you are here." Brian actually looks scared now.

"I'll be back." He sternly whispers to me and walks off without a second glance. Zander approaches me, but I just stand there in shock. When Brian says something he'll do it. He's stubborn like that. Zander clears his throat and I get knocked out of my trance.

"Oh, sorry, come in." I mumble and he follows me to the living room. We sit on the couch. Definitely dé jà vu once again. Is the dé jà vu ever going to end?

"What was that about?" I concider lying to him, just so he leaves, but I remember I need his help. I need his help to decide. There's no use in lying to calm him down.

"He asked me to join the gang again a week ago. He threatened me and said that if I didn't he would tell the town that I street fight, that I'm midnight. I had a week to decide and I don't know what to do, that's why I need you here. What do I do Zander?"

"You have to play it cool, but you're going to accept the offer." He said and my jaw drops. What the hell is going on in that brain of his.

"Are you fucking insane? What the fuck?"

"I have a plan."


"So, do you understand the plan?" Zander asks as I walk him to the door. I nod in approval and he walks outside to his car. He gets in and pulls away as I close the front door. In an hour and a half, we made a plan. I don't know if it will work and we don't have a plan B if plan A doesn't work, so I'm just crossing my fingers, hoping that it will work. I walk into my kitchen grabbing myself a bag of chips. I then walk back into my living room and plop down on the couch. Today seems like a lazy day. It's a Sunday and I have school tomorrow, I should spend the rest of my weekend the right way, eating junk food while watching Netflix for ten hours.

After two hours of Netflix, the door opens. I know I locked it, or did I. I shoot around on the couch and see my mother and father standing there, mother bigger than the last time I saw her. Oh, they're back. I totally forgot that they were gone, it felt normal without them being around. I get up off the couch and walk over to them.

"Hey." I awkwardly say. We haven't exactly been the same since the whole crash and hospital incident. My mother and I have become a bit closer, but father and I have seemed to drift apparat more than I thought was possible. I go and hug my mother.

"Hello CarlyAnne." My father says in his stern voice.

"Hello dear," My mother then speaks up, "Would you mind carrying my luggage upstairs?" She asks. I nod and take her two full suitcases up the stairs, putting them in her room. Walking down the stairs, I hear another voice, a voice that I wish would disappear from my life permanently. I go the rest of the way downstairs to see Brian and my father talking. My father didn't exactly like Brian when we first started dating. Zack convinced father that Brian was good for me, little did he know he would mess my life up. After that, father treated Brian like a second son.

"How have you been son? You never come around anymore." My father asks making conversation. My mother is nowhere to be seen, but she's probably in the kitchen.

"Brian," I sternly say, "what a surprise." I mentally groan. Why couldn't he have come another time?

"Well you know me, always showing up out of the blue. It's a good thing you love surprises." He says with a wink in my direction.

"Sucks that my feeling towards surprises have changed." I say. My father glares at me.

"That is no way to talk to our guests CarlyAnne. Now Brian, we just got back from vacation, but we would love if you could stay for a bit and catch up. I'm sure Andrea wouldn't mind having a guest, especially that guest being you." He shoots a toothy grin.

"Thank you sir, I would love to." Brian looks at me after his response and I roll my eyes at him.

"Andrea! We have a guest!" My father yells towards the kitchen. I guessed it. She comes in and her smile falls. She look over at me in confusion. She obviously remembers that Brian and I broke up. She puts on a smile and leads us to the living room.

"It's great to see you Brian." She says.

"You too Mrs.Spears," He sends me a wink, "congratulations on the baby, C's told me how happy she is to have a sister." I roll my eyes at his comment and look at my mothers surprised expression.

"Oh, I had no idea she talks about her new sister."

That's because I don't.

"Oh yeah, all the time." He responds and sends me a wink. Oh gosh, what has my father gotten me into?

Word count:1,094
Hey!! I love this chapter because it involves more of her absentee family! Woah, who knew they'd be in the story at all. I'm so tired and want to sleep so goodnight.

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now