Chapter Three.

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Noises from downstairs drew me out of sleep and I stretched and yawned. I felt… better, more refreshed and less weary.

There was a knock on the door and it opened to reveal a smiling Jack. “Everyone’s here, well they have been for a few hours but I wanted you to sleep.” He said grinning. “I figured you’d be up though.” I stood and he gestured to the hallway. “I’m sure that you’re anxious to see the rest of the team?”

I gave a light laugh and followed him down the hall. “Na, I could go another few months of peace.” I joked though it was far from the truth. Inside my stomach bubbled in anticipation. How would they react? Would they be mad I hadn’t contacted them?

The apartment was large but was packed to the brim with large, muscular men. My team. They were loud as they sipped beers and watched a few of the guys play the x-box or whatever gaming system Jack had going on. Others loitered around, talking, drinking and joking. As I stepped into the room I wasn’t immediately noticed until Jack cleared his throat. “Guys.”

One by one the room fell silent as their eyes landed on me. Their faces were ones of shock and it looked like they’d seen a ghost… I guess they had though. The flush of a toilet echoed around the silent apartment and a few moments later Griff walked out, wiping his hands on his jeans.

He looked terrible.

His hair had grown out considerably and fell into his forehead and licked the nape of his neck. His posture was one of a defeated man, a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He had lost condition and just didn’t seem to care anymore. He was turned away so I couldn’t see his face but I knew that I would find grief.

He must’ve noticed the silence as his head slowly turned in my direction. His whole body froze and I saw sheen of tears build up in his eyes. He had dark bags under his usually smouldering green eyes, though now they looked devoid of life. My proud, caring, strong friend looked like he’d lost everything he valued.

“Griff?” My voice seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in.

“Eve?” His voice was gruff with the distinct British accent I’d always loved. He looked and sounded unbelieving; like he was imagining me.

“I’m here.”

He rushed towards me and I was engulfed in his broad arms. He squeezed until I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t care. I hugging him fiercely as a tear dripped down my cheek. I couldn’t believe that this was real. For a while I’d never thought I’d see my friend again, never hold him or talk to him, never see the light of day again.

I felt his tears soak through Jack’s shirt as I sniffled, breathing in his scent. We stood like that for what felt like years until he spoke. “God I missed you Eve.” Slowly he let me go until I stood with his hands holding onto my arms.

I gave him a small smile and slowly pulled away before being tackled by the rest of my team. They all passed me around like a doll and I received enough hugs to last a lifetime.

“We thought you were dead!”

“What happened?”

“Why didn’t you contact us?”

“Thank god you’re ok!”

Soon the voices grew until my head began pounding. “Enough!” I shouted. They all stopped talking immediately as I sunk down onto one of the couches and rested my head in my hands.

“Where were you Eve? Why were we told that you were dead? What happened?” Griff asked, coming to sit down next to me and rested his large callous hand on my back, rubbing small circles.

I blocked out all emotion as I looked up at the men I knew as my family, the ones I would’ve happily given up my life for. They all sat around me, watching, listening, waiting. “After I told you to get to command, I found three suicide bombers.” I stared at the opposite wall, blocking the memories as they tried to force themselves to the forefront of my mind. I respected these men enough to tell them and I know that they respect me. They deserved the truth; no matter how much it hurt. “I killed two but one was too fast and he detonated his bombs. I was thrown and knocked unconscious.” My hands clenched into fists as I recalled all the pain, the hopelessness, the utter desperation and hate I felt. “I woke up in a cell and discovered that I’d been found by al-Qaeda men; they tortured me for a month but I killed them all. I spent three months recuperating before I returned.”

“What else?” Griff asked. “I know there’s more.”

I cleared my throat as my hand unconsciously began rubbing my tags. “They wanted to give me an honourable discharge.”

There were shouts of outrage and I felt Griff’s hand tighten into a fist.

“They didn’t did they?” He demanded. “You’re too god damn good to let go! You’re the best captain and you’ve worked your ass of and dedicated your life to the military!”  

I stifled a chuckle at the sounds of agreement. “I fought tooth and nail but they made me take temporary leave after numerous… evaluations.”

They were all silent and I stood to get myself a beer. “God Eve what happened to you?”  We all knew that if you they wanted to boot you out, then something had effected either your physical or mental wellbeing to the point that you couldn’t make logical decisions, where you were a danger to those around you and unstable.

I took a sip and shrugged. I’d told them this much but I wouldn’t tell them anything more; it hurt too much. The wounds were still fresh; both physically and mentally. “I’m alive and that’s all that matters.”

My stomach rumbled, filling the silence and everyone laughed. “Pizza time?”

“Sorry we finished it all while you were sleeping.” Jack teased. I turned to Griff and Jack who both stood behind me and raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest and tapping my foot.

“We haven’t eaten yet if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Good.” I said in a threatening tone, shooting a glance over to Gunner. “Because I picked up a few tricks that would make you regret it.”  

I walked out of the room without a word and headed into the kitchen where I took a few slices of the peperoni pizza. The peperoni was really spicy but I loved it.

Soon the kitchen was filled with laughter and good natured teasing. For the whole night I sat by Griff who refused to let me go.

“Do you want to stay here, get a hotel or stay at my house?” Griff asked as it hit one a.m. and the guys began leaving.

I got off the couch and began helping Jack pick up the empty beer bottles. “The bed’s only a single and your flat’s an hour’s drive; so hotel.” I knew that Griff didn’t want to let me out of his sight for fear of me disappearing and I didn’t blame him; I felt the same. I’d just gotten my best friend back and if I woke up to find that I was still in that god- forsaken place, in the dank cell, I might just go mad. I ran to my room and got dressed in the jeans and shirt I’d arrived with yesterday, picking up my bag on the way.

“Thanks for having me.” I said to Jackson as I gave him a tight hug.

“Call me ok? It was good to see you, relieving to know you’re alive; just don’t drop off the face of the Earth again ok?”

I nodded and walked out the door with Griff. He flagged down a cab and soon we were stumbling into the room, ditching our clothes in a frenzy of heated kisses, passionate touches and whispered words.

When Griff finally slid into me, staring into my eyes and cradling my face the ordeals of the past few months slipped into the background.

“Never do that to me again; I can’t lose you.”

“I won’t.” I promised, rocking my hips to meet his. That night we explored each other’s bodies again and remained in a cocoon of warmth and pleasure where nothing in the outside world could touch us.

I loved him, but I felt like I was missing something; Griff was and always would be my best friend but I knew that there was something else out there, something more. I just hadn’t found it yet. 

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