Chapter Twenty.

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The shrill ringing of a phone bought me out of deep slumber and I jolted awake, unable to move with Kade’s thick arms wrapped around me. I elbowed him in the side as a light snore escaped him. His eyes opened and he groaned, rolling over and taking me with him. The phone continued ringing and I stretched my arms up, my fingers brushing the black device.

I grabbed it and slid my finger across the screen, tucking my hair behind my ear as I answered. “Eve Holt.”

“Eve you’re leave time is up in two days and you’re required to return for mental and physical revaluations-”

The rest of what the sergeant said was drowned out as I looked down at Kade. I ran a finger over his cheek as his eyes fluttered open and he stared at me.

I had to go back; I had to leave Kade and my family again, this time though, I didn’t want to go.

“Eve? Eve are you there?”


“Good we expect you at the latest by 0900 Sunday; say your goodbyes and pack your bags because afterwards you could be immediately put back into active duty. See you then.” My heart felt heavy as I hung up the phone and I couldn’t look Kade in the eye.

“I-I’m going to go get breakfast.” Without looking back I ran out as fast as I could, searching for Griff, Gunner and Jack. I found them in the dining room; plates piled high with food, shovelling it into their mouths like it was their last meal.

I went up to them and bent down. “I just got a call from command.”

Jack exploded into a fit of coughing and reached for a glass of water. After a few sips he turned and looked at me. “Command called you? What did they want?”

I looked up at the few people that were giving us curious looks and I patted his shoulder. “Meet me at the lake in ten; make sure that you are not followed.” I didn’t want anyone catching wind that command had called until I was ready; I would be disappointing many people by leaving.

I picked a large piece of bacon off Jack’s plate before walking away.


“Why did command call?” Griffin wasted no time in grilling me for answers when the three boys found me at the lake.

I turned with a solemn expression. “I am to be revaluated and sent back into active duty.”

They stared at me confused. “For some reason you don’t seem very happy about this; I thought you loved the military? You fought tooth and nail when the wanted to give you an honourable discharge and convinced them to give you another chance; what’s changed?” Gunner asked, taking a seat.

“I changed.” I looked out over the lake, to the mountains and forests behind it. “\I’m not sure if I want to go back anymore.”

“Then don’t; you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do. If you’re happy here then stay; simple as.” Jack chimed in.

“No, don’t you see? It’s not that simple! I worked my ass off when I joined and went through hell to get into the SAS; I was the first woman to join for god’s sake! I have sacrificed my life in the service of the people that can’t protect themselves; been tortured, shot and beaten. I am a soldier, I will always be a soldier and I am so damn proud of what I’ve accomplished. I will not just leave because I feel like I’d miss a few people; I’m immortal, I’ll see them again someday.”

There was silence as we were all caught in our own thoughts. Somehow, despite all my talk, I still didn’t feel like I really wanted to return; but I would, I had to.

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