Chapter Fifteen.

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My body ached; all I could feel was pain. My felt foggy; noises were muffled like I was underwater and all I could see was blackness.

Was this what death felt like?

I groaned but all that came out was a whimper. Wait… a whimper? My eyes snapped open and I looked down to where my hand should have been…. but they weren’t hands, they were black paws.  A whine escaped my mouth again as I fell backwards.

Suddenly it was like all the sounds, sights and smells were intensified and I could feel a headache coming on. What had happened? Why was I a wolf? This had to be a dream; it had to be!

“Calm down Eve.” I looked up to see both my parents, Griffin and Kade. What was going on? I whined and tried to stand but I couldn’t. I felt tears of frustration and anger welling in my eyes as I searched for answers and came up blank. What had happened? Why was I a wolf?

“Eve calm down; all will be explained.” I had no option but to do what dad ordered and I lay on the bed, taking deep breaths to calm my rapidly beating heart. “Good.” He sighed; probably because newly turned wolves were dangerous, but I wasn’t… well it seems that I am.

As I stared at my parents, they seemed relieved, incredibly so and... sceptical. There was silence until I growled lowly and gave them a hard look; I wanted them to get on with it. I felt like I was forgetting so many things; like when you walk through a door but know that there’s something you’ve got to do.

Everyone but Kade jumped and Hansel cleared his throat. “Right well, what do you remember?” I growled at him and opened my mouth; I can’t talk dumbass! He blinked and then shook his head. “Right you don’t know how to use the pack link yet.” He said almost to himself. “Right well you fell down the stairs and broke a lot of things; your ribs, arm, leg… and back. You hit your head hard and you had brain damage as well as a concussion.”

She growled and glared at me. “Listen here you little skank; Griffin is mine and no pregnant slut is going to get in my way. You have two options; you leave or I kill you and that little bastard in your womb.” She hissed.

I sneered at her and shook my head. “I was here long before you; Griffin is my family and I won’t let you bully me; fuck off. How does it feel to know that I’m having his first child? How does it feel to know that he loves me more than he ever would you?” I hissed. I was a mean thing to say and definitely not the smartest thing to say to an angry werewolf, but I was pretty mad myself and I’d always had a temper. She threatened both me and my child; that I wouldn’t let stand.

She hissed and if looked could kill I would have been six feet under. “You’ll be sorry for that.”

I rolled my eyes and jerked my arm away from her. I said nothing, holding back every nasty word I wanted to say to her, every punch I wanted to throw; I physically bit my tongue to stop myself from lashing out at her. I took another step down the stairs, turning away from her and in that moment I knew what a huge mistake I’d made.

I felt her hand connect with my shoulder and the front of my body jerked forward. My ankle rolled and time seemed to slow down as my body fell forward, crashing into the stairs. My scream was cut short as my head hit the edge of the stairs hard and I saw stars. I couldn’t stop myself and as I tumbled down the long staircase, I felt something in my back snap and intense pain radiated from my entire body.

I screamed again as I felt liquid trickle from between my legs; I couldn’t move though. Pain so much pain. My vision became foggy as I stared up the stairs to where the wolf had disappeared. Then it all became black.

A growl that shook the walls escaped my muzzle as I stood. I was a wolf; pregnant women could not shift… that bitch had killed my child. She would pay.

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