Chapter Twenty- Three.

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My heart pounded in my ears as I wove through the almost non- existent road which led to the pack house. The house was in the heart of the Austrian Alp’s and was almost inaccessible to vehicles save for the one path I was driving down. I’d caught a two hour flight to the nearest airport and then bought a second hand car I knew would be able to handle the conditions. Thankfully it was summer so there was no ice or snow to cause a dangerous accident.

My palms became sweaty as I saw dark shapes darting through the trees. Anyone else wouldn’t have seen them but with my training and knowledge of pack workings, I knew that they were patrols. They would have contacted the alpha, Jenna and enforcers telling them that an unknown vehicle was encroaching on their pack land. Ten more minutes and I would be there...

It was exactly the same as last time and I still didn’t know how they’d react- I’d left... again, though this time I had said goodbye. At least this time I hadn’t left it so long- I’d only been gone for three months, though it felt like eternity.

When I’d killed Fahman I was put under review. At the end I had handed in my resignation and given an honourable discharge from the SAS. I’d styed for a week to tie up loose ends which bought me to this moment. The car tires crunched on the gravel driveway as I pulled up but this time I didn’t hesitate to get out. The moment I closed the door I was tackled to the ground and my face was covered in slobber by two massive wolves- Hansel and Ace, my goofy dads.

I laughed and pushed their faces away as I sat up. “Missed me?” They barked as I stood with a huge smile on my face. The front doors were ripped open and I watched as Jenna came sprinting out with Klaus, Hunter, Matthias (my grandfather), Marti (my grandmother), Elliot, the twins, Pierre and a few of the men I’d helped trained following her.

I was tackled by Jenna and then passed around with varied greetings and enthusiastic chatter. I grinned and bared it though because I knew that they were just happy to see me.

“What a beautiful sight to see you alive.” Jenna whispered in my ear, holding me tightly. “We all missed you Eve.”

“I missed you too.” I confessed, taking a step backwards. “All of you.” One person in particular though. I looked around to try to see his face but he wasn’t there.

I turned to Jenna but she just shook her head. “He disappeared the day you left; none of us have seen him since.” I literally felt my hope deflate; he’d left? I guess I couldn’t blame him, I’d left as well, but only because I had to.

He was gone.


Jenna gave me a sad smile before she swept me inside, my father’s following close behind. “No matter, tonight we’re going to have feat to rival a king’s.”

I rolled my eyes at Jenna but with a smile followed her up to her room where she proceeded to throw dresses at me.


The dress Jenna decided on was skin tight, fit me like a glove and moulded to my curves, the neckline ending at the base of my neck with capped sleeves. The pattern on it though was… indescribable. It was black and white, compressed of a multitude of minute shapes and designs that transformed it into a work of art.

I slid into it, wearing a sexy strapless lace bra and matching thong. It zipped up the back which Jenna helped with and then Davy, one of Jenna’s betas did my hair and makeup; they were really going all out for this dinner.

I walked into the hall flanked by Jenna, my fathers and the rest of the high rankers. We took our seats and dinner began. The food was delicious and it was great to catch up with everyone but I was distracted- where had Kade disappeared to?

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