Chapter 2 - The Scarlet Ribbon.

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As the sun arose from the horizon of the sleeping city of Manhattan, Marcus lay on his bed –tossing and turning. Going to work this morning did not seem so appealing to him, at all. However, after much deliberation Marcus made his way to the office. By the time he had gotten there it was already half past ten. Not exactly early.

When he arrived at his desk that morning was relieved to see everything just as he had left it other day. What was I expecting? He asked himself with mock humour.

As he slung his coat over the chair and sat down, but soon realized that everything was not as it was. A brown box with a red ribbon wrapped around it lay on his table. His palms began to sweat, his heart thumped. Sucking in a sharp deep breath he reached for the box.

It felt heavy in his hands. He flipped over the green tree shaped paper address tag and immediately the words: 'SECRET SANTA' stood out. However, Compared to the other presents he had received there was something different about this one. The note on it was by no means neat or intricately done as the ones before. The long handed text was both messy and rushed; while the notes on the others were neat. But it was what the package carried inside that made him laugh –A giant green peg! One of the very famous paper weight pegs that he had seen floating around the office.

He could not contain his laughter. He had begun to wonder whether it was from the same person, but the conclusion seemed obvious, it wasn't the same person.

"So what did you get?" Asked a curious, chirpy voice from behind him, the voice took him by surprise, yet it didn't startle him.

"Paper weight!" He laughed in reply without turning to see who it was while raising the peg and waving it in the air for Anna to see. He laughed again and Anna laughed with him, and then grabbed the peg out from his almost sweaty hands.

"This isn't as bad as what I got." Disappointment and exaggerated disgust framed her tone.

"What did you get?" He asked curiously with a light chuckle. Turning around he made eye contact with Anna, she was dressed in her usual office clothing which was both sexy and borderline sexual.

"Jewellery!" she deadpanned then rolled her eyes as she leaned on the cubical wall.

"What's so bad about that? I thought you were into the whole Jewellery thing."

"I am, but this is stupid!" She exclaimed putting emphasis on 'this' while raising the triangle shaped pendant which hung on a green thin rope. The triangle was a turquoise colour with hits of blue and green through it –imitation opal. That was just pathetic, Marcus thought to himself. It looked as if someone had gone to the dollar store and picked out first thing they saw. "I like what you got last week..." She said stuffing the necklace into her back pocket. "It was so much better."

Yeah me too,

"Did you find out who it was?" She asked raising her brow with interest. Marcus shook his head. "Maybe it's the same person that gave you the peg!" she suggested.

"Maybe," his voice sounded uninterested as he spoke and shrugged casually. He wasn't about to tell her his theory, she didn't have to know.

Anna left the room several moments later after reminding him about the karaoke night plans and left him to his work. Once she was gone Marcus opened the top drawer to pull out his files from yesterday and an all too familiar feeling filled him –The feeling of being watched. As he looked around he saw nothing out of the ordinary. When he turned back around his eyes caught a glimpse of a box. Nervous grew by the second. The smile that he had on his face faded, a voice inside his head screamed at him to not look inside and just ignore it, while another side of him wanted to know what awaited him.

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