Chapter 11 - Unaware

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So yay new chapter. i'm exited. there were so many expectations for this chapter. i kept wondering which direction i should go, i kept changeing ideas and concepts. I mean, there is only so much that could happen.. So, Thank you for your feedback & votes! i have learnt so much from you guys. Most of you are just freaked out by Dorian, haha, >.< {.....Continued}


Marcus' blood ran cold, his heart pounded to the point where he no longer felt it. As both men stood in the elevator with the soft unappealing music playing in the background, tension seemed to grow to the point where it could have even been severed by a knife. To Marcus the air around him felt stuffy, making beans of sweat materialize on his skin. Tugging his tie loose, Marcus held on to his breath as if it was his dear life. Was he really meant to just forget about it just as Julian said? The task was easier said than done.

From the corner of his eye, Marcus detected movement from Julian. The dark haired man's slightest move was enough to make Marcus stiffen where he stood. Forgetting what had happened was no longer an option. As they stood in the silent elevator Marcus replayed everything that had happened. The kiss, the pornography, and the talk he had had with Craig. All of what he knew pointed in one direction...homosexuality. Marcus turned to the mirrored elevator wall. Marcus Berkley, are you a homosexual? He asked himself. You don't look it. He tilted his head to the side as he spoke to himself inside his head. Then again, men aren't completely disgusting...oh god.

When he thought about it, everything seemed to makes sense. Then again, Marcus was the type to overreact, over-assume what was going on around him. His assumptions had failed countless times... Marcus had his reasons to not believe the facts. For all he knew all of it was just a huge misunderstanding and he had gotten carried away with the kiss. He was in no way ready to freely accept being attracted to the same sex. He didn't want to jump into any conclusions... just yet. It could have even been the drugs that were in his system that day. There were many reasons that would explain why he reacted the way he did. Not getting laid in over a few months could have built up his frustration, not that he was one of those men who thought with their penis.

Breathing though his mouth Marcus tried to calm himself down. Glancing back and forth, at Julian's calm reflection and Marcus's clearly shaken façade; he knew that pretending was an unsuccessful.

"Marcus, are you okay, you seen a bit jumpy...." Julian spoke, his silky caught Marcus by surprise.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." He replied while looking at Julian though the mirror. If you're so unsure you could get him to kiss you again... he heard himself think. He is rather hot...wait a minute! Now I'm thinking that men are hot...Marcus mentally slapped himself.

This is stupid.

When he shifted his gaze at Julian, he caught the chocolate haired man staring at him with a questioning amused smile. "Congratulations, by the way." Julian muttered. His voice was smooth and almost inaudible with an underlining chuckle.

Marcus's head snapped to face Julian whose eyes raked him from head to toe, sending tingles down his back.

Snap out of it!

There was considerable distance between the two men and Marcus made sure he stood half pressed to the side of the mirrored interior walls, putting as much space between them as possible.

"Thank you," Marcus diverted his eyes when they met with the man's amber eyes then his lips, which were curled up slightly in amusement. If I asked him to kiss me, would he? He physically shook his head, trying to get the thoughts out of his mind.

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