Chapter 10 - Have You Met My New PA?

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Once again I welcome thee to a new chapter of S.A. If you hadn't guessed, this is the christmas chapter, But i didn't really write about Christmas. as much as we would love to, There is a Secret Admirer to find and we shouldn't waste any time. right? ...Continued Author note at the end,


Christmas; it's a day that is usually full of joy and happiness, but as Marcus sat in the den of his mother's house he felt everything other than Happiness and joy. Hunching over he placed his hands on the back of his neck. He shivered. Even the touch of his own fingers on the back of his neck was enough to remind Marcus of 'his' hands from the day before. Marcus shook his head and groaned, he was confused and the confusion was driving him out of his mind.

It was after Julian had left that everything sunk in. One, he had kissed a partner where he worked at. Two, it was a man –a very god like, handsome man. Three, The Julian Dalton had kissed him. He kept telling himself how there was nothing to worry about, but all he could do was worry. Marcus felt as if he had committed the ultimate sin. Office romantic relationships were highly discouraged. Let alone a homosexual one. Why was he even thinking about 'relationships' he mentally slapped himself. There was no relationship; he just kissed one of the partners. There was no sense in what went through his mind.

Marcus was more than glad that he had the day off. The last thing he wanted to do was see Julian. He didn't know how he would face him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.." Julian's voice came to his mind. The way his eyes focused on his feet in shame.

Marcus felt his heart compress, causing his breath to temporarily seize. Marcus didn't like to hear Julian apologize. He had always imagined Julian as a strong, dominant, demanding man and just hearing him apologize didn't feel right.

When Marcus didn't reply, Julian had said "let's just forget about this, about everything." With that he had left. Just like that, Julian had left. Marcus only had the letter Julian had written. It was still at in apartment, next to his bed. That same night, he had woken up and all that flooded his mind was Julian and his feelings that he had put on to paper. Marcus had read it again. And again. Each time he read it, he felt pained.

Now, even as he sat trying forget about it, he found himself remembering it. Nothing could pre-occupy his mind, causing Marcus to retreat to his old bedroom and lay in his old bed. Everybody that was there that Christmas morning was too busy with what they had to notice the clearly distressed Marcus that sat quietly. He never was the quiet one. But no one seemed to notice.

He groaned again and turned, he was getting his clothes wrinkled except he didn't care. The foot of the bed dipped and the springs creaked. Marcus turned his head and looked at what had made the bed dip. It was Craig.

"Soooo," Craig, pouted his lips and started at Marcus from under his thick lashes. "What's wrong?" he got straight to the point.

Marcus felt like he was in High School again. Why was he incapable of handling the situation like a man? Just thinking about Julian was enough to get Marcus flustered.

"Nothing," Marcus spoke into his pillow.

"Marcus," Craig paused, Marcus felt Craig's pressure move "you're speaking into a pillow, something's obviously bothering you."

Marcus didn't want to turn around and face him. He just wanted to be left alone. Marcus suddenly felt Craig's hand press on his back. "Does this have anything to do with...the other day?"

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