Chapter 7 - Get You Home

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Picture of Dorian on the side.. why? cause i can! *_*


Scrunching the note in his hand, Marcus growled with frustration. He threw it on the ground, so much frustration built in him, and it morphed with hate and fear. There were so many emotions running through him. Enough with the games, he thought. Rummaging through his room he looked for the note that he had received a couple of days ago... the note that contained the address. When he found it, he grabbed his coat and headed out. Without even caring that he was in his pajamas, he left. Determination had hit him hard. He was sick of being stalked, watched... dare he say: Admired?

As he entered the address into the GPS system, his eyes shifted to look at the time. It was almost eleven in the night, and his eyes felt sleepy. But he shook away the drowsiness and focused on the task ahead. Taking off, speeding through the still busy streets. He knew not of what he was going to do when he was confronted. Everything outside swooshed past him as the car passed houses, cars and people.

At the next intersection, turn left.

The automated female voice instructed him. He followed the command and cut in a sharp turn. Suddenly, he hit the breaks.

You have arrived at your destination.

His blood boiled with so many emotions.... Nervousness was one of them.

When he stepped out of the car, the air around him felt damp and moist. The essence of the rain was still there. Looking straight ahead, he saw nothing but an abandoned building. He slammed the car door shut, he looked around. The only thing that he could see was a gate and a wall that obstructed his view. Where the hell is this? He asked looking around. A shiver ran down his back as he walked closer towards the gates. Why had be been called to there to meet the Admirer? It was a rather strange place for someone to ask for him to meet at. High beamed head lights that cut through the darkness came from his car, it allowed him to see what was in front of him, but his vision was still limited by the darkness of the night. It took him a moment to realize that he was at the river's edge. Everything around him was dead quiet. He walked around the abandoned building, with the light still shining behind him. Where was he exactly? There was salty feel to the air.

A low deep vibrating growl came from behind him. He froze in place, pure fear shot through him in a split second. The images that flashed into his mind were of dogs, large guard dogs that could easily tear him to shreds.

Raising his hands, he slowly turned around. His breathing paused and blood rushed, heart level raised. They were dogs. He hated dogs –with a passion.

Lips slightly parted, his eyes shift to the car. He could make a run for it, he thought. It was only a few meters away. But he'd still have to run past the dogs.

Cautiously, he took a step forward and side. The growling grew louder. The three dogs mirrored his movements, taking steps towards him. Damn, he knew they'd chase him. He couldn't stand there till dawn; he had to get to the car.

RUN! His thoughts screamed, and he did.

He ran...

The puddles splashed, the water damped the rims of his pajama pants. The dogs barked, it echoed through the silence. He could hear their paws slide on the gravel as they ran after him. They were chasing him; he didn't have to turn to know. The water from the puddles soaked his night slippers and made it harder for him to run. Get away from them! He had to.

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