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"Alessandra, baby, are you going anywhere this afternoon?"

I glanced at the passenger seat and found Lauren with a huge smile on her pretty little face, bringing one on mine as well. "No, why? You seem bubbly," I replied.

"Logan texted," she said.

"Your brother, right?" I asked. She hummed a yes. "He seems really cool. I want to meet him."

"You're about to," she said. I didn't even have to look to tell that she's smiling.

"Wait, really?" I asked excitedly as I turned to her.

"Eyes on the road, Alessandra," she scolded with a laugh. "He's dropping off my niece after lunch. She's going to sleep over tonight at our place because Logan's nanny took a day off. Is that okay with you? I really want you to meet my brother and his kid."

"Yeah, of course! I love kids."

"You're the best," she said before she leaned over to the driver's side and kissed my cheek.

"What's her name? What's she like? Come on, give me some details. I'm excited," I happily asked.

"She has the prettiest name in the world. I want you to guess."

"Umm... I don't know. I can't think of anything pretty except you," I said, making her laugh, though I could tell that she's blushing.

"You have the same name. She's also an Alessandra."

I blushed, realizing again how playful she is with her words. "I bet she's amazing. Tell me about her."

"She's 6 years old and she's the literal spawn of the Joker, but way cuter," she started, causing me to laugh. "That kid is so manipulative, babe! She can make you do anything she wants, I'm not kidding! One pout and you're gone!"

"What, like you're not manipulative?" I asked with a smirk. "Maybe she got it from you."

"I'm not manipulative," she said with a frown.

"Uhh, yes you are. You take off your shirt and I'm gone," I teased.

She laughed. "Fuck, I love yo—" she pauses. Was she about to say what I thought she was about to say? "Oh my god. Umm... your... uhh... your shoes. I love your shoes?"

With wide eyes and a fluttering heart, I turned my head towards her, who was blushing like crazy and avoiding eye contact. "I'm... I'm wearing heels, babe," I stuttered as my brain dried out of things to say.

"Watch the road, loser," looking down at her hands, she mumbled with a frown.

I let go of the steering wheel with my left hand, and reached over to hold her right hand. I gave it a light squeeze, and I felt her relax significantly. "Feelings are okay, Lauren. I know my fashion sense is incredible," I said.

"Babeee," she whined. "You're such a butt."

"You can curse around me, you know," I said with a chuckle.

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