Peculiar Air

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I gasp as I see Maisie seated on the floor, her eyes close and her nose bleeding. I run towards her and she snaps her eyes open.

"Maisie! Oh my God, what's wrong?" I ask her as blood doesn't stop flowing out of her nose. I frantically look around the room and find a towel on a hanger. I grasp it quickly and dab it on her nose. There are tears in her eyes and she is panting a bit.

"I'll get some ice." I tell her rushed and start to go to the kitchen but she stops me.

"Luna, no wait! Please don't go. And please don't tell anyone about this. I'll be fine. I just need to be alone." She says and I shake my head.

"No Maisie I am not going anywhere until I make sure you are fine." I say.

"Luna please. Just go. I am really fine. Please." She says sternly and I realize that she doesn't want me to be here. For her tone is the most rude as I have heard her talking to me.

"Okay Maisie. I am sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." I say in a low voice and leave the room, closing the door softly behind me. As I walk to my room, I feel a slight pang. I thought I would get along with Maisie but now I see that is not really going to happen. I sigh and slump on Xalvador's bed. I just stare at the ceiling blankly and think about how much my life has changed.

"A few days before, I was free and didn't have to worry about anything except my own survival. But now-" I sigh as words fall short to complete my feelings. The freedom, the open forest, living to my free will, it was all so good. All that has changed so drastically. I wish I had never stepped into this pack's land. Being here makes me feel more alone than I ever was.

I decide to brush my saddening thoughts and get up to go out for some muscles exercise. I sigh in relief as yet again, I find the back of the house empty. I stretch and with practicing some defense moves. In the middle of my training session, I feel eyes on me. I look around to find nothing and shake my head. Now I'm being a paranoid too. Great!

I wash my neck and face with water as I return from a vigorous two hours of training. Just then I see people gathering in the backyard of the house for hearing what Elizabeth has to say about the dead wolves that attacked me. I rush along and people instantly make way. I stand in front of the bodies kept in the cold frost as Elizabeth and Xalvador arrive with the others. Xalvador stands beside me and Liam follows suit. 

Elizabeth opens the lid of the cold frost and bends down to sniff. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then she puts the lid back and walks towards us, a grim expression on her face.

"What did you smell?" Xalvador asks curiously.

"This is strange Alpha Xalvador. The smell on these wolves is yes- of the Silver Fall's pack but... there is another confusing fusion of smell which I can't really make out. It's strange, astringent and... different." She says and everyone is confused which includes me. Everyone waits for Xalvador's opinion and he seems to be thinking, a frown on his lips. His lips, his oh so sensual lips. I feel like grabbing him right her and kiss him and feel the power that people say a mate bond has. Okay stop! I don't feel like that. Fiana does. I could never want to kiss a person who kidnapped me! Even then, I can't help but stare mesmerized at him. His shapely forehead with a vein sticking out every time he thinks too hard. The flex of his taut jaw and his sexy stubble that he always has on.

Catching my creepy stare, his eyes snap to mine. I don't exactly know my expression but his eyes turn dark and he immediately conceals it by blinking. I look away, feeling hazy with the raging emotions due to the mate pull. Get a grip Arabella! All eyes are on Xalvador as he begins speaking,

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