Unsolved Problems

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I stand rooted to the ground as I feel my entire world falling apart. Fiana crumbles with pain and withers as I yet again glance at Xalvador. Then Maisie. Both lay still on the ground just like my heart. I feel as if I'm not living anymore. Liam suddenly growls, shaking Maisie and I realize yet again that he has lost his mate on the same day he found her.

"I hate you!" I growl ferociously and kick the dead witch, my fury beginning to show in my actions. I hear Axel release a sob but he doesn't show any other signs of pain or hurt. I walk to Maisie and cup her face while Liam cries, holding her in his arms.

"Maisie please wake up. Don't leave me. I didn't want to lose you while saving Xalvador. Please just wake up." I break down and lay my head on her forehead. 

Suddenly, I hear a gasp of breath from under me. I jolt and sit up. I see Maisie's lip quiver. Liam senses that too and perks up, hope and desperation clear on his face.

"Alph-Alpha's alive. Pack... doctor." Maisie mumbles and I can't believe my ears. I almost want to stay there and reflect on what she said but I know I don't have time. I feel Maisie's pulse and almost shout with joy as I feel it.

"She's alive!" Liam exclaims and I run to Xalvador. Axel summons the pack doctor and he examines him.

"He's barely alive but there is a chance." He says and I feel overwhelmed with hope, happiness and also the of the possible dreaded outcome.

"Do whatever you have to. Save him." I plead and the pack doctor. Xalvador is taken to the house quickly and I look around me. And for the first time I realize how much bloodshed this war has caused. How many lives have been shattered. How many wolves have lost their mates. The women that fought from our pack now come into my view. I see some of them happy, kissing their mates while some cry over their dead, ripped apart bodies.

I cannot sit and have a pity party for myself right now. I may or may not have Xalvador. But for these women, who have already lost their mates, they deserve to see them buried with respect and dignity as soon as possible. Before I check on Xalvador, it's my duty to make arrangements for the proper funeral of all the warrior wolves. Even the enemies.

"Axel, these bodies shouldn't let to stay here any longer. Make arrangements for the proper burial and inform me. I will be there when they are buried." I say and he nods. He walks away and I stare at the battered body of the leader. Liam's father.

"Axel, I also want you to cut off his tail," I say pointing at the one man who ruined my entire life. Axel nods as if happy at my order and I think of running to my mate now. But I can't. I am their Luna.

I limp towards the house, my entire body aching and burning. Almost everyone follows. I stand on the stairs and address my wolves,

"Wolves of the Dark Moon pack! There is a lot about today's war that you don't know. This fight wasn't just a fight for power or dominance. It was the ultimate consequence of years of bubbled up feelings of revenge, hatred and unjustifiable obsession. But right now, is not the time to share the history that had you loose your loved ones.
        "I, the Luna of the Dark Moon pack genuinely and with all my heart, thank you each one of you for today. You have not only saved your pack and its inhabitants but saved the dignity and the name of the Torhon bloodline. We have together avenged the incident that happened almost 15 years ago on a fateful night. I extend my heartfelt grief to all women who have lost their mates or anyone who has lost their loved ones and I promised that none of them shall have an ounce of trouble spending their lives alone on the financial level.But remember, you loved ones died as warriors. And that is something I as the Luna of this pack will forever be thankful for. You all may go and rest now. I have a lot to explain later." I say and look around with a deep breath.

The pack sobs and some smile while some just nod. But I don't see a single angry face. Talking to them, addressing them after their individual sacrifices was important. To give them a closure. To make them realize that what they sacrificed today mattered. A lot.

"But what about Alpha Xalvador? My mate died, saving Alpha from wolves." A woman sobs and steps forwards. I tightly smile and walk to her.

"Just pray to the Moon that your mate's sacrifice doesn't go in vain," I say in a soft voice, placing my hand on her shoulder offering what little comfort I can. She nods, closing her eyes and tears slip down. I squeeze her shoulder and turn again towards the house.

I enter our room, the room I once hated. I see Xalvador bruised and almost pale on the bed, surrounded by the pack doctor and Marcel.

"How is he?" I ask, almost wanting to run away before hearing the reply.

"The same. The silver has done its damage while he was already in a condition that was hard to recover from. And due to the silver, his broken bones aren't recovering as fast as they should."

The doctor explains and I nod feebly. 

"Is he going to make it?" I ask, looking at Xalvador's unconscious form.

"He should. He is a strong willed person. The medicines should work miraculously if Alpha Xalvador wants them to." 

"Yes... okay." I say absently as I sit by Xalvador. 

"Who is attending Maisie?" I ask next.

"My brother, Douglas is with her." He answers and I nod. I have to see her too. She almost died, trying to save my mate.

"Okay, I want all of the wounded wolves to be treated immediately," I say and he nods.

"Emily," I mind-link her. "Get Marcel to get the women and children back and immediately make arrangements to provide food for everyone."

"Yes, Luna, Right away." She mind-links back.

The doctor- Michael leaves after promising to come back after half an hour to reapply his medicinal pastes. I caress Xalvador's hair taking in every feature of his. Memorizing his chiseled jawline and his sculpted lips.

"Please come back to me. You promised me you would kiss me our victory when this war ends. Just come back." I whisper as tears fall. Months ago, I couldn't bare to look at his face and now he is my entire world. He is the one person I feel utterly incomplete without.

"I'll be waiting for you," I say and kiss his hair. I leave the room to check up on my best friend.

I enter Maisie's room to find Liam by her side, sleeping on her forehead.

"How is she?" I ask softly as I close the door behind me.

"Very tired but she is good I guess." He replies, staring at her face. Wow, it's amazing how the mate bond can turn mere acquaintances into two halves of a body. Liam can't seem to take his eyes off her sleeping form. 

I take a seat on the bed and take Maisie's hand in mine. 

"Thank you so much," I whisper. 

"How is Alpha Xalvador?" 

"Struggling to heal," I answer grimly.

"He will be fine." Liam answers and I nod tightly.

"I really hope so Liam but he just looks so... lifeless and bruised. Its killing me watching him like this."

"He will be better. He is the toughest person I've known." He says firmly and I offer a small smile. He smiles back reassuringly and then stands up.

"I should go and help in the burial. Plus I have to apologize to Axel. I may not be able to do it later when Alpha Xalvador decides the punishment for my betrayal." Liam says and leaves after placing a kiss on Maisie's forehead. I want to tell him that Xalvador won't punish. Not after everything he has done but I can't. He leaves before I can speak. 

"Arabella." I hear a faint whisper and I lean towards her immediately.

"You're up!" I say excitedly and she smiles.

"Not for long. I'm not gonna be here for long." She feebly says and I pale.

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Maisie and Xalvador still aren't  out of danger. Who should I save?

The Werewolf Clash (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora