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"Arabella stop!" Maisie yells and I laugh, running ahead.

"Catch me if you can!" I tease as I keep running towards the woods.

"That was the last piece Arabella. It was mine!" She whines and I smile smugly. The cook had made a chocolate cake today. After eating my piece, just to irritate Maisie, I told her I ate her piece too while it is still safe in the fridge.

Maisie catches up soon and literally jumps on me, tackling me to the ground and I laugh as she tickles me.

"Stop, I am sorry! I am sorry!" I gasp out of breath and she finally stops.

"Arabella, you know I love chocolate cakes." She says with a scowl as we both sit.

"So do I." I shrug and she scowls again.

"You know what I'm gonna do for revenge? I am going to tell Alpha that you were fantasizing about him today." She says with a devilish grin and my eyes widen.

"No, you won't!"

"Oh yes, I will. In fact, I'm gonna go right now!" She announces and gets up. I try to get a hold of her but she escapes and I sprint behind her in fear.

"Maisie stop! I didn't eat your cake. I swear. It is in the fridge!" I yell running behind her. She halts for a second and relief floods into me. But just then, I see her shoulders shrug and she starts running again.

"I'm gonna tell him anyway..." She yells in a sing-song voice running away! I am not letting you go Maisie!

A hand grasps my shoulder and I jolt, coming back to the present. I didn't realize I was thinking of Maisie again, my tears falling on her picture that I hold in my hand.

"Mommy mommy, look what I found!" My five-year-old daughter chirps excitedly and I quickly wipe my tears and smile, pulling her to my front. She holds up a beautiful pink flower and I smile.

"It's a beautiful flower, Maisie. Where did you find it?" I ask her as I don't recall seeing this flower anywhere near the house before. Every evening, I come here with my daughter- Maisie and while she plays, I see my best friend in her. Innocent, kind and full of life. This has become a routine now.

Liam is the closest to Maisie, for she reminds him of her. He is no longer the playful guy I knew. Instead, he is more built up now, with a neat beard and more sharpened features. He is the pack trainer now. He is still funny and laughs, but every day I see the pain in his eyes. The pain of losing his mate, the expression of which is confined only to his room in front of Maisie's picture.

He didn't take Maisie's death as severely as we thought he would. He regained himself in a few days and we were all surprised. But then I realized, that he was just hiding his pain and every night in his room, he lights a candle in front of her picture. Girls throw themselves at him but he doesn't budge. He keeps saying that he is satisfied with the memory of her to keep him happy. And that I believe is the purest form of the mate bond. Liam is Maisie's favorite uncle and she sleeps with him every night.

Its been 7 years since Maisie left us but her memory is alive in every corner of this place. Xalvador was remorseful when he realized that Masie died saving him. And for me, well I was devastated. I couldn't be strong like Liam. I cried and cried but she didn't return.

Life was gloomy for all of us until I got pregnant. We had three pups, and the moment I saw my daughter I knew what her name would be. Liam instantly got attached to Maisie too, for the same reason we all are.

"I didn't. I just made it myself." Maisie pulls me out from my thoughts again as she answers my question.

"Sweetie, what are you saying? You can't make a flower." I laugh confused and she shakes her head.

"Yes I can." She says and kneels to the ground. Her hands coil around the grass and she closes her eyes. And I gasp as I see another flower, emerging from the soil until it fully blooms.

"See mommy! I did it again!" She squeals at my astounded expression. My breath hitches and I sit up straight.

"Maisie how-how did you do that? Did you- did you say something when you made the flower?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"No, I just closed my eyes and thought about having a flower here." She answers and I feel overwhelmed. My daughter has magical powers, just like Maisie. But how?

"Sweetie I'm going to your father's office for some work. I will send your brothers Mark and Joshua here alright? Play with them." I kiss her on the cheek and run to the office. I mind-link Emily to take care of Maisie.

I thank the Moon when I find Liam and Xalvador both already there. Panting, I tell them everything and they both mirror expressions of shock.

"But-but you're not related to Maisie, there is no way that power is from Maisie." Xalvador says while Liam nods.

"Yes and as you said, she didn't chant like Maisie used to. Maisie couldn't do a spell without chanting. There has to be another explanation for this." Liam adds and I sense a bit of sadness in his voice as if hating his own opinion. I think and think and suddenly it strikes me!

"It is Maisie! It's Maisie's power!" I exclaim. " That night, she had placed a hand on my stomach and was chanting something. I asked her what she was doing but she shrugged it off saying I would know when the right time came. She must have given her powers to Maisie then!" I explain enthusiastically as things start to make sense.

"And because my daughter had those powers before she was born, she is stronger or maybe she is a full witch," I add as tears spring to my eyes. Oh, Maisie! I had no idea this is what you had been doing that night. Xalvador wraps his arms around me and I stifle a sob. I don't wanna make Liam feel worst.

Liam runs outside and we follow him. He picks Masie into his arms and hugs her tightly. Maisie giggles and I see a tear escape from Liam's eye. Suddenly at a distance, I see a figure standing. We all look at it, a ghostly fading form. I squint my eyes and look closely and gasp as I see a smiling Maisie. A kind of halo surrounds her as she recedes away from us, her figure fading with every moment. Liam runs to her and so do I.

"You found me again. I love you all." She whispers with a smile and before we can near her enough, she disappears into thin air.

And just like that, she's gone... again.

The Werewolf Clash (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora