New Territories

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We walk for what feels like three days after which we finally surround the south west boundary of the Silver Wood's. We stand at least a few kilometers away. 

"Split!" Xalvador mind links everyone and immediately the pack divides into four neat small groups, headed by Xalvador, Liam, Beta Axel and the pack trainer and  running in directions to cover an area of a curve. The discipline this pack has is really remarkable. Not one foot of the warrior wolves is out of sync. Well... that is obvious the fear of the wrath of the big bad Alpha.

I follow Xavier as we steadily near the pack boundary. We find groups of 3 wolves standing together at a distance of every few centimeters. Xalvador growls and the entire pack moves at once. I follow Xalvador's lead trying to stay as much as uniform I can with the others. As we attack aggressively, the Silver Wood's find no chance at preparation. In seconds we have them crumpled on the floor, their heads off their bodies. Its a gruesome sight for me for I have never seen this much of blood shed before. But now is not    time to hide in my own blanket of comfort. I was the one who decided to come here so I guess I need to endure it.

We enter the pack land, moving with the same ferocity and the lack of knowledge of the attack of the Silver Wood's benefits us. A huge wolf pounces on me as he smells I am a female but I easily overpower him, biting it in the side. Xalvador is easily tackling three big wolves and within minutes he has them crawling and wincing on the ground. Our side is almost on the victory when a Liam howls in pain. I snap my neck to him when another shrill howl comes from behind. I don't what happens but suddenly there are howls everywhere. I see around frantically to see a new army of wolves but I am shocked to the core to see that they are moving unbelievably fast! 

They are 2, 3 or may be many. I just can't make out any thing. One second they are here an the other they are gone killing and attacking another wolf from our side. One of such super fast bites me into the neck and I claw him on the side. He escapes and disappears and suddenly, all I can hear is the wolves from our side groaning and howling in pain. 

"Retreat!" Xalvador mind links and all of us scurry to move outside the pack border. Though this seems like running away we really don't have a choice. None of us what is going on here. When we all land outside the pack boundary, I whimper as I see only 15-17 of us return. Even from those 15, more than half are bruised and hurt in a very savage manner. Xalvador's wolf approaches and takes in the scene, growling in frustration and loss.

We all shift and get clothed. And the first thing I hear is woman wolf wailing loudly, straddling a dead wolf.

"My mate! No! Get up Ross. You can't be dead! Get up!" The cries woman cries uncontrollably and I wince at her sorrow. She just lost her mate in front of her own eyes. She beats her chest with her fists as her cries turn louder. I run up to her and caress her back.

"Please calm down. You are very weak right now." I attempt, not really good at consoling people. Especially when they have just lost their other half.

"He is gone Luna, He died. He was killed!" She wails as her body falls limp in my arms. We both are bleeding right now but that doesn't hurt as much as this woman's pain. I tighten my arms around the woman and caress her arm to calm her down. Her cries don't stop until she faints. I panic and immediately a wolf comes running to us, offering her some water. The woman, who's name I learn is Mary gains slight consciousness but I can tell she is still terribly shaken. 

"Its okay. Sleep Mary. I'll take of you." I whisper soothingly as she gives into the fatigue and closes here eyes again. I look up to see Xalvador taking the scene around him, his face set in a grim expression. Everyone is on the ground, some tending to their wounds and some to the wounds of the others. I sigh in relief as I spot Liam safe along with the pack trainer Marcel and Beta Axel.

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