9 - true forms unleashed

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Author's Notes – I don't claim to own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime or manga. Things types in bold is used for the demons speech, things typed in italic is used for mental speech, bold italics is used for demonic mental speech. Please feel free to leave your comments and tell me what you think. Thanks!

Nine – true forms unleashed

A week went by as Miroku carefully watched Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. He couldn't help but to feel that there was something strange about those two boys. Even though they claimed to be Kagome's cousins, they didn't look anything like the Higurashi family and there was the strange markings on Sesshomaru which the family told them were birthmarks. He was always wearing a pair of sunglasses as Miroku has never seen natural marks like that before. Things just didn't add up for Miroku.

'Those two are hiding something and I am going to figure out what it is.' he thought to himself carefully approaching the two boys but, the minute that he saw Kagome in her priestess robes he had lost all motive as he went up to Kagome grabbing both of her butts. "Good lord Kagome, have you been working out?" he asked gently squeezing her butt. Kagome let out a loud screech turing around quickly slapping Miroku hard enough that it could be heard throughout the temple. She then brough her knee up into his private area causing the monk to double over in pain.

"Miroku you pervert!" she yelled sharply turning as red as a tomato. "I have half a mind to tell the head priest what you have been doing. I don't care if we are childhood friends. Handle me like that again and I will make sure that you can no longer touch anybody ever again." she shouted loud enough for everyone to hear before she marched off of the temple grounds. Miroku could hear two loud low rumbling snarls and growls coming from the Akuma brothers as everyone was whispering about what they had saw Miroku do as the young monks face began to pale.

"Miroku!" shouted out an elderly voice deep within the temple as the monk knew that he was in deep trouble.

'Oh Shit!' Miroku cursed as he hung his head low walking off slowly into the temple.

"Go Inuyasha and find Kagome." Sesshomaru snarled to his brother. The two were close to revealing what they were after watching Miroku's actions. Inuyasha said nothing as he sprinted off to find Kagome. Sesshomaru let out a few long and deep breaths struggling to keep his demonic blood from raging out of control. He played with the enchantment beads that hung from his neck. Kagome's grandfather had given to him as they matched Inuyasha's own beads. The beads acted as a double edge sword keeping their more demonic tendencies under control and allowing Sesshomaru to look more human. The crescent moon on his forehead was gone as he still had the lavender scars on his cheek but they were much thinner. He no longer had the pointed ears or the cat-like hazel eyes as his eyes now looked more a golden-tan color. His claws clicked against the beads as he muttered a few words to calm himself as his fangs and claws finally retracted. Sesshomaru was so tempted to show that pervert a thing or two but he wasn't as Kagome had all ready done it for him.

Once out of the temple, Inuyasha sprinted on all fours much like a dog double the speed on an average land animal. He was pissed at Miroku for what he had done to Kagome that his demonic nature had broken through. Inuyasha's ears twitched when he heard someone crying. He could pick up Kagome's scent coming from the riverbed. Inuyasha darted off heading towards the sound and the smell. When he reached the riverbed, he found Kagome hiding underneath the small bridge her head was on her knees as she hugged her body tightly.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked in a low rummble so not to frighten her. Kagome's head darted up as crystal tears streamed down her face. Inuyasha slowly approached as Kagome wiped away her tears onto her robe sleeve. Inuyasha shifted back to human form grabbing a hold of Kagome allowing the teen to cry into his shoulder. "It is all right Kagome, I am here." he told her as Kagome cried even more holding nothing back. Inuyasha gently stroked Kagome's hair allowing her to calm down before she could talk. He remembered how he was when he went into half demon form how he cried until Sota comforted him. The least he could do was be there for Kagome.

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