11 | "Let's build an empire together."

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"Before Alice got
to Wonderland,
she had to fall."
- - -

L i g h t s o u t . . .

I hear three voices loudly speaking to each other.

"OH DEAR, OH DEAR, OH DEAR! THE HUMAN IS NOT MOVING SANS!" A warm sensation was resting on my head. It must be Papyrus's glove.

"Papyrus get away from that little punk! You don't know what they can do, so move! Now!" Another familiar voice. A voice I knew and feared slightly. Undyne must have been the one to attack me. "She did something to Sans, I saw it from the window!" Undyne growled and moved towards my body. I could hear her loud footsteps.

"Undyne, she didn't do anything to me!" Sans was speaking in a loud tone. He must be angry. I felt my body be lifted up, the warmth from the person holding me comforted me so I unconsciously curled up closer to their chest.

"I SHALL TAKE THE HUMAN TO MY ROOM! PERHAPS THEY JUST NEED SOME REST." Papyrus walked away from Undyne and Sans, who were arguing quietly. He walked up the stairs and I felt like I would fall out of his arms at any time. It felt like he didn't want to hurt me. "I am sorry human," Papyrus spoke quietly "I did not mean for Undyne to hurt you, so I am terribly sorry." I wanted to tell Papyrus that everything was okay, but I was knocked out. I couldn't move my body the way I wanted to. I couldn't speak.

Papyrus opened the door to his bedroom. He held me with one arm as he did so. I then felt myself being set down on what I assumed to be a bed, Papyrus's bed. It was comfortable, a lot more comfortable than Sans's bed. But if I'd have to chose, I'd rather be in my own boyfriend's bed than his brother's. The sound of a door swinging open and slamming made me want to jolt, but I couldn't.

A quick pair of footsteps came up the stairs and into Pap's room.

"Papyrus, they okay?" I immediately felt relieved as I heard the sound of Sans's voice. His voice always made me feel safe and calm.

"I DO NOT KNOW BROTHER.. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY UNDYNE ATTACKED THE HUMAN. I HOPE THEY ARE OKAY. THEY ARE MY FRIEND." Papyrus moved over to his brother and put a hand on his shoulder. "I WILL GO SPEAK WITH UNDYNE. I AM GUESSING SHE LEFT?" Sans nodded. Papyrus sighed and walked out of his room and down the stairs, making his way out of the house.

Sans walked over to my body and sat down on the edge of the bed. The bed's springs creaked slightly as his weight was on the bed. Sans looked over at me and leaned forward, taking his hand and moving a strand of my h/c hair out of my face. His smile faltered a bit and he moved away, blushing slightly. I could feel everything, but I had no control over my muscles or body.

The bed made a few more creaks as Sans laid down beside me on his brother's bed. The warmth emitting from off of him made me feel safe. I didn't understand why he even had warmth or heat, he was a skeleton after all.

"It sucks this happened right after our date, huh?" Sans spoke from out of the blue. He moved his arms around my waist and moved me closer to him. I felt his chin on my shoulder, so he must've been hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "I should probably practice some jokes. I haven't been telling much and I think it's starting to worry Pap." Sans chuckled after he spoke.

"Knock knock." Silence was all he got, so he continued his joke. "Who's there?" He asked himself in a slightly high pitched voice, just for comical reasons. I would laugh if I could. "Who," he continued "who who?" Sans asked. "Oh gee, I didn't know your were an owl. That's a hoot." Sans finished his knock knock joke. If I could move, I would have been howling with laughter. I'm sure Sans would have been laughing his bony ass off too.

Sans let out a small sigh as he clung onto me. For some reason, this all felt slightly familiar. I ignored the feeling of deja-vu and focused on trying to become conscious again. After a while of silence, I heard snoring. Sans must've fallen asleep, keeping me close to him.. As if he'd lose me.

My fingers twitched so I concentrated on moving my hand or opening my eyes. Maybe even speaking. I got to the point where my hands could move and my eyes could be opened, then everything else slowly became controllable.

"Sans?" I moved my head slightly, looking over at the skeleton and he shifted around a bit before opening his eye sockets slightly. His pupils met mine and he sat up quickly, almost bonking his head into mine.

"F/n, you're awake. Are you okay?" Sans put his hands on my shoulders and gripped them. I weakly smiled and nodded once. I was lying a bit. I had a massive headache and I felt dizzy, lightheaded, and really, really, really nauseous. "That's good. Pap was freaking out and I was worried." Sans let go of my shoulders so I sat up, embracing him in a hug. Sans was a little surprised at first but eventually melted into the hug, hugging back.

"Sorry to have worried you, Sans." I pulled out of the hug and rubbed the back of my head, although I instantly regretted doing that since I immediately felt a stinging sensation. "Ow, ow, ow." I flinched and moved my hand away from the back of my head. I sucked in some air and sighed.

"Let me see how serious it is." I turned around to let Sans check my injury. He had to move my hair out of the way to see the damage that had been done. "Oh jeez.. Um. I'll be right back, I need to get some alcohol and stuff for this." Sans got off of the bed and speed walked as fast as he could to get some supplies to clean up my wound. I sighed.

The pain was starting to become numb, but that made me a little worried. What if it got infected?

After a couple minutes, Sans came back into the room with supplies in hand. He then sat back down on the bed and tended to my injury. The alcohol burned and I ended up shedding a few tears because of the pain but after everything was cleaned and bandaged, the pain died down incredibly. Sans had put a bandage around my head, not covering my eyes but my forehead, so it wouldn't get infected.

"Thanks Sans." I turned back around to face him and his grin widened.

"It's no problem." Sans responded and grabbed my hand, holding it to comfort me a little. I was a bit on edge. I thought Undyne would burst through the front door at any moment and come kill me or something. Luckily, that didn't happen. An idea came into mind and I wanted to share it with Sans. I know it must be soon to say something like this, but I really did want to say it.

"Sans-" "-f/n" We both ended up speaking at the same time. I giggled, blushing a faded pink, he ended up chuckling a bit.

"You go ahead." I say, looking at him patiently. He began to sweat slightly, so I became a little curious.

"No, no. Never-mind. You go ahead and say what you wanted to say." Sans played with my fingers as he spoke. He looked nervous. I nodded and began to speak.

"Let's build an empire together." I suggest, smiling.

"Together?" He asks, looking at me as a blue blush appears on his cheekbones.

"Yeah, together." I look back at him, my own blush had started to fade.

"I think I like that idea." He lightly squeezed my hand that he had been holding.

After saying that, Sans leaned towards me and pecked my lips with his teeth. I blushed a crimson red and looked away from him, thinking about the promise we had just made. By empire, I didn't mean like an exact empire, not a place. But more of our own home we can rule over with each other. Where we can feel safe. I'm sure Sans knew what I meant as well, and that's probably why he had liked the idea anyway. He felt the exact same way.

Suddenly, that feeling of emptiness came back. The feeling of sinking.

I shoved the feeling back down but wondered why I felt like that.

I feel like I've forgotten something.

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- 1486 words

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