23 | The Rest of the Gang

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"There's always a little
truth behind every
'just kidding'
a little knowledge
behind every
'I don't know'
a little emotion
behind every
'I don't care'
and a little pain
behind every
'It's okay.'"
- - -

We crowded into the lab in the basement of the UnderSwap bro's house. Blueberry looked around excitedly, gazing at everything in pure awe. He had no idea there was a lab below his own two feet!

Sans did the same thing he had done to turn the machine on. Papyrus was leaning against a wall, trying not to doze off. How could he even fall asleep standing up anyway? Isn't that supposed to be impossible or something? I stopped looking at Papyrus and focused my attention onto the now turned on machine. Sans was the first to hop through the blue portal, I followed. Blueberry came third after waking Papyrus. Papyrus sighed and walked through the portal as well.

The first thing that hit me was an incredibly freezing breeze. I instinctively hugged myself, rubbing my arms to try and create some kind of warmth. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were already in Snowdin, but it looked so.. Empty. So dead. There was only one person in the town and they were standing just ahead of the four of us.

Sans narrowed his eye sockets as he viewed the other version of him closely. I sighed quietly and smiled, seeing Geno.

Geno walked over to us and he looked very confused as his eyes looked to each of us, first with Sans, then Blueberry, Papyrus, and lastly me. His eye never strayed away from me and his grin widened slightly.

"F/n. It's nice to see you again, how are you?" Geno had his hands out of his pockets and he kept them to his sides. I breathed out a shaky breath, a cloud of white appeared in front of my mouth as I exhaled. I thought of an answer to Geno's question.

"Well, I could be better. I need your help." Geno nodded after I spoke, he had a knowing look. I looked down at the red liquid that dripped down from his mouth to his chin. I slowly neared my hand to his mouth and I used my thumb to wipe away the blood. A blue hue slowly made its way to his cheekbones as he watched me. I moved my hand away and frowned as I saw the blood just appear again, dripping back down.

"U-Uh.. Well.. I know you need my help. And I'll be glad to." Geno put both his hands around both of mine and he held onto them, squeezing them gently. I smiled again.

"Thank you, Geno." I looked back over to Sans and saw that he was staring at Geno and I's hands. He realized I was looking at him and he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Let's go ahead and get going. We have one last place to visit." Sans walked off, going towards Geno's broken down and abandoned house. He walked behind it and went over to the iron hatch. I moved away from Geno, pulling my hands from his to follow after Sans. Papyrus, Blueberry, and Geno followed after me.

Sans had already gotten down to the basement so I went down the stairs and over to the machine which Sans was already standing beside. Blueberry and Papyrus began to bicker about how cold it was, but Geno shushed them both, giving them a slight glare. Sans grunted in amusement and I began to think to myself about Jason and my dreams.

I tried to remember my dreams. I tried very hard to put a face to a voice I had known I heard before. It wasn't really a voice, but more of an incoherent mumbling. A man's mumbling. He had a deep, scratchy, and low voice.

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