Q n' A | Part 2

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yoshigir Asks Sans: "Sans, are you going to have children?"

Sans chuckled for a moment. "Well, ya' see. I'm not sure how that'd really work out. Seeing as how I'm a skeleton and all of that neat stuff, but if I could adopt a kiddo with f/n, I would. No bones about it."

RiceKrispiePisser Asks Sans: "Sans, can you please just... PAY YOUR FUCKING TAB?!"

"Heh, w-w-well um.. I think I left the oven on! Maybe another time!" After frantically speaking and fumbling over his words, Sans bolted out of the Q n' A. You think that he'll eventually pay his tab - eventually.

_Homestuck4life_ Asks Chara: "Why the heck did you let it seem like you were possessing Jason, when it was really Error?" They then ask Jason "Why are you such an a hole?"

Chara shrugged. "I mean, I was possessing him. Error was just a part of Jason's plan to get back f/n. But that IDIOT'S plan didn't even work. It was a waste of my time. I should have just possessed f/n." Chara sighed and crossed their arms over their chest.

Jason looked to the side as he thought for a moment. "I only wanted f/n. My feelings grew complicated. I never really meant to harm anyone." He then shrugged and shook his head, as if he had been contemplating something.

@_NightSpirit_ Asks Gaster: "Did you know that Toby Fox said that you were Sans and Papyrus' brother, and NOT their father? Crazy, right? :P"

Gaster stared off into the distance with a blank look. "But.. I am.. Skeledad..?" He seemed lost and confused. Life didn't make sense anymore as Gaster got lost in his conflicted thoughts and emotions. "But I am Skeledad?!" He questioned loudly to himself, wondering why his god, Toby Fox, had done this to him.

UnderTrashLady Asks Chara: "Chara, how do you think of Frisk? *winks suggestively*"

Chara narrowed their eyes slightly and hummed in thought. "They're weak, honestly! I've possessed them many times in UnderSwap and had them kill everyone countless times! I don't believe Frisk was ever in f/n's timeline though?~" They cooed in question, pondering over their words.

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