Bella Finds Out!

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"If he's dumb enough to walk away, you're smart enough to let him go"


Today at school I've noticed Bella looking at the Cullen's more than usual. Ever since the third period of the day she hasn't taken her eyes off of each sibling she had class with.

So I just tease her by saying that she has a staring problem. But the real problem is that ever since the day I went to the beach with her and her friends, whenever I go to her house and find her on her computer she quickly turns it off and looks as if she were caught. It looks kinda funny...if this weren't a serious problem. I WILL find out what she's hiding!

I'm really excited that prom is coming up soon. I have been asked by many guys but haven't given them an answer yet. Angela and Jess invited us (me and Bella) to go dress hunting for prom at port Angeles. Right now I am picking her up so we can meet them. I can say that I'm super excited!!!

<<time skip>>

"Shei, what are you wearing ???" Bella asks me in the car.
"My clothes for shopping..duhh. It doesn't draw attention to myself. Besides, it's cute." I smile cheekily

"Okaaay. It is cute but people can still notice you ."
"Oh please, port Angeles doesn't even have that much people right?" She shrugs.
"And plus I have this hat to bring with me just incase of emergency." I show her the Adidas hat. She shrugs again.

"Ok. But act normal around people and don't draw attention to yourself . Who knows, there might be paparazzi out there right now." She is soo ridiculous. I wanted a vacation. I made sure no one knew where my whereabouts are.

"Don't be ridiculous there are no paparazzi. I made sure no one followed me here on my break." I laugh at her wholeheartedly but stops when she glares her infamous glare.

"Hehe. Ooookayyy. Time for shopping!!!" I squeal when she groans.

<<<at the dress strore>>>
Right now me ,Jess and Angela are trying on new dresses while Bella just sits and gives her opinions.

"-yeah, I like the knitting."
"Jess what do you think? Lavender? Is that good, is it my color?" Angela holds up her lavender dress for Jessica's opinion.

" I like it. I like that dusty rose one too."
Jessica agrees with Angela for her prom dress.

"Okay, I like this one.. It makes my boobs look good." Jessica finally chooses her dress, and may I just say she looks absolutely stunning.

"That looks uncomfortable.."
"Bella what do you think?" Bella finally looks up to us and says...

"Looks great." What!!!! Looks great??!!
She looks beau-tayyy-full!! She has been saying that ever since the very first dress that was worn by each and every one of us.!!😒

"You said that about the last five dresses though ."

"I thought they were pretty good."
oh Bella, these dresses are not "pretty good" but pretty AWESOME!!! They are sooooo pretty. I wonder if she'll let me dress her up for prom.

"I, actually really just want to go to the bookstore. Meet you guys at the restaurant?" They agree but I tell her to wait for me so I can go with her. I mean why would I ditch her when I only came because of her ?? Plus my love for shopping.. hehe. That reminds me I'll just order my dress online.. Or make myself one.

We were walking around when we both spot the guys we saw at the shop..uh oh

"We saw you at the dress shop.", "Hey, where are you running to?" "There she is. How are you guys doing?"
"What's up girls? Whoa! Where you guys going? Hang out with us."
These guys we're obviously drunk and dangerous so we just kept walking until.
"What's the problem? You're pretty."
He tries to grab Bella but she pushes him away.
"Don't touch me."
The same guy grabs her again and I was getting so angry.
"Seriously you should-"

"Don't touch me!" Bella shouts
They laugh. All of a sudden we hear tired screeching... That car..Eddie!!
The window rolls down.

"Get in!". He tells us.
"That was a very dangerous move! I should go back there and rip that guys head off!" He is shaking and gripping the wheel so tightly I can already hear a crack.. What the horse?!

"No you shouldn't." Bella responds

"You don't know the vile, and repulsive things they were thinking."

"And you do??"

"It was not hard to guess." Smooth..
"Can you talk about something else... And distract me so I won't turn around?"

"Can you just put your seatbelt on?" She asks him. Oh Bella, you should put your own on..

"You should put your own seatbelt on."
Woah! Mind reader stay out of my precious brain. He looks up and throws me a wink through the mirror.
I shake my head and smile...

|||||BELLAS POV|||||

I was still staring at Edward and what I saw next shocked me..

He threw a wink to Shei through the rear view mirror. What is going on??!!!
Are they dating!! I see shei shake her head while smiling at him. When did they get close?!! I couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy and hurt. Jealous that Shei is closer to Edward than I am, I mean yeah she hangs out with Alice and Rosalie at times when I'm not with her but... Edward?! Hurt because I really liked Edward and there could possibly be a hundred percent chance that he IS dating Shei, my best friend. But why wouldn't he? Shei is gorgeous with an hourglass figure. Her perfect curves. And perfectly sculpted face, chest, and bottom. I feel insecure when I'm compared to her. She is perfect! She's nice, friendly, and confident when I'm just awkward in many ways with just a average body. Sure Shei tells me to just embrace my awkwardness because that's who I am but I hate it . I'm always awkward and clumsy. I can't help but compare her to me. She is flawless while I have more flaws than a normal person. I can only hope that they're not dating... (Aww poor Bella). We went back to the store for sheis car. She wanted to go home because she was tired of the events of today.

"Hey guys I'm sorry I just..."

"Where where you guys?" Jessica immediately asked me not noticing Edward

"We waited but we were starving so we.."

"I'm sorry I kept Bella and Shei from dinner. We just ran into each other and just got talking but unfortunately Shei had to leave." They stared wide eyed at Edward finally noticing him.

"No we totally understand, I mean.."
"That totally happens right?"

"Um we were just leaving so.."

Edward tells them he'll buy me dinner. So they left and he ordered me dinner.

"You're really not gonna eat?"

"I'm on a ..special diet"

(Time skip...)
Sorry I'm too lazy to write the whole convo:/ and the "Waylon forge scene"

"Your skin is pale white and Ice cold. Your eyes change color and sometime you speak from a different time. You don't eat or drink anything, and you hardly ever go out. You don't go out in the sunlight... How old are you ?"

"I'm 17"

"How long have you been 17?"

"A while"

"I know what you are."

"Say it...say it out loud"
"Say it!!"


"Are you afraid?"


"Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat?"

"You won't hurt me... Where are we going." I ask when he tells me to get on.

He shows me himself when he goes into the sunlight and I am speechless. It's like diamonds. He tells me that he's a monster but I see differently. He explains why he was always so harsh. But right now I'm happy that he wasn't dating Shei. The one thing that I'm most worried about is his family. Oh boy, how am I going to face his siblings especially Rosalie??!!

hope you liked this chapter... And don't judge my laziness😂😂😘💞
But don't you just love how Bella got jealous😂😂

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