Not Pt.2

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NOTE: This is just a small excerpt from the next chapter.


I finally mustered up the courage to walk up the steps to his house and knock on his door. I waited.

Hearing footsteps walking towards the door, I began fidgeting and fondling with the hem of my dress.
I was nervous. I was never nervous. This made me nervous.

I had been expecting a man to answer the door but came across a woman that had 3 deep scar marks running down her face. Despite having the scars, she was extremely beautiful.

"Hello. Uh, how may I help you?" She questioned me. Her smile was radiant.

", I'm looking for someone..he goes by the name..Sam..Sam Uley?"
I ask for his name. I began fidgeting under her questioning gaze once again. Oh my goodness. I have never been this nervous!

Hearing another pair of footsteps a tall bulky man comes in view.

I couldn't publish the real part 2 because I wanted to make it a little longer and check over to make sure I didn't have any mistakes, so  I won't be publishing it today.
This is a part of the part 2.

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