Chapter 11- I Remember You (Editing)

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I watch as Ace shares a look with his friend, still standing in the entrance of the door he had held open for Jules just minutes before. His gaze flits towards me in a quick second, though it stays rooted on the man standing behind me, as far away from me as he could be.

"Xander," he says.

I glance at him- Xander- with surprise rising in my chest at finding his dark hazel eyes already pinned on me. I don't even have the chance to blush before he's turning away to nod, his lips turning up. "She'll be fine with me."

Oh no, sir. Not with that look.

I could've imagined it. There was no way he looked at me like an animal would to its prey. Usually I'd be grossed out and totally turned off by it, but it didn't help that he was a beautiful specimen who knew he was a beautiful specimen.

I hated cocky men who knew they had their good looks going for them. There were times it made me want to smack a slice of humble pie into them- and sometimes I did. But there was something about this one that just...made it different.

The way he was looking at me though made me want to both melt at his feet and kick him in his shin.

It was very confusing.

I catch Jules's eye as she heads out the door behind Ace, silently pleading with her to stay. She shoots me an apologetic look and walks out.

I sigh inwards, but don't feel an alarming sense to leave. I trust that she wouldn't have brought me here if I weren't safe.

If Jules trusted these guys...maybe I can try to as well.

I face this Xander guy and pin him with my best nonchalant look, hoping to at least intimidate him.

He's leaning against the mirror, his muscled arms crossed over his bare torso and I have to fight the urge to let my eyes wander. I couldn't let myself slip and fall for his charms, no matter how hot he was.

Just a peek wouldn't hurt-


As if he could see the images bursting through my mind, I spot a smirk appearing on his chiseled face and I narrow my eyes at him. He pushes off and begins to make his way towards me, slow and cautious at first.

"You're very quiet now, aren't you, peaches?" His voice was like melted butter over hot rocks-.

Wait. Peaches?

I shrug and lift my chin at him. "I have nothing to say."

He nods, bringing his hand up to caress his own as he watches me with curious eyes. "No 'Hi, how are you?'. Or 'nice to see you again?'. Thought you had more manners."

He came to a stop in front of me, his bare chest almost touching the thin fabric of my t-shirt. He was calm as he searched my face for a moment before I caught his gaze slipping down over my body.

With heated cheeks, I stumble over my response. "I d-didn't think y-you remembered me." I shut my eyes at my stupidity.

Stuttering? Really, Candy? You could do better than that.

His hand reaches out to touch a loose tendril, brushing the strand between his fingers. "Oh, I remember you. Very well in fact."

I breathe in, hoping to calm my beating heart in case he felt it pounding against my chest. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, seeing as he could most likely feel the way my neck pulsed at that moment.

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