Chapter 1 "A Young one"

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I am Maho no Rairakku, by this time I was 13 years old and here I will tell you my story when I was younger

i woke up in a hospital, and as I woke up these thoughts popped up in my empty head: I hate being known, I promised myself not to get known....I don't have friends in school and my parents said I have a younger brother named Maho no Tsuyoi they called me Rairakku... I guess thats my name. I Really dont remember anything about myself, so I think this is how I think so that means this is the real me... he is the only playmate I have

I pulled the hood downwards for people not to see my face, cause I dont want people to know its me.

Whilst walking around a soccer field a ball came flying hard towards me

"I told YOU TO PASS IT TO ME NOW DIDNT I?" the other player shouted at the other one. While the ball is flying hard towards me I managed to see how the ball moved despite of its speed. Then I felt like the ball was telling me to kick it, so I did and I accidentally passed it to the other player screaming and they quickly looked at my direction and I ran home.

That's what got me to start playing soccer

A Year Later

I was practicing by myself in our backyard until Tsuyoi came to me

"Ne-Chan? teach me soccer!" And that had a flash on my mind, it widened my eyes "Sakka Yarouze! (Lets Play Soccer)"

"You don't even know how..." then I continued kicking the ball to the wall and continuously receiving it and kicking it.

"That's why I want Ne-Chan to teach me...Onegai Shimasu! (Please!)" then after receiving the ball, I looked back at him,

"IE (No)" then I kicked the ball again at the wall and tried to receive the ball but it went over my foot. As I watched the ball, it went towards Tsuyoi. Well...near his foot at least

Then he grabbed the ball


"It must be awesome to grab this ball filled with people's feelings.... by just holding it I can feel your passionate love for soccer. I CANT wait to play soccer..." He was so passionate for me to teach him... those words, I feel what he was saying, so I decided

"Fine, I'll teach you..." I let out a big sigh as I started walking to our backyard field

"Honto!?(Really!?)" He said while holding the ball following me

"Ah(yeah)" then I looked at him when I was near the goal, his eyes were glistering, and that smile of his "Satte, Booru? (Now, the ball?)" I looked back at the goal and put my hands sideways for him to put the ball to my hand. Then he gave me the ball and Stood back, and I placed the ball in the field in front of my foot."THESE ARE MY FEELINGS! FIRE IDENTITY, CRASH!"I shot and completed my first hitatssu shoot

"AH! SUGGE! SUGOI yo, NE CHAN! Ne, Ne Oshiteiru!( WOW AMAZING! BIG SISTER! Teach me that!)"

"You need to start with the basics first, and of course the rules... after you mastered, or let's say you're used to it. In order to do that you need your full power and your love for soccer, CAUSE you won't be able to accomplish something powerful if you did not like what you were doing... " I said while walking to the goal and grabbing the ball

"So If I Accomplish that means if I get to be on a team, I get to be the very one scoring goals?" then I gave him the ball and rubbed his head

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