Chapter 16 "Hot Sauce eh?"

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Rairakku's POV
I went to go to the practice area, there they were practicing

Then I walked into the field

"Maho no!" Tenma and Shinsuke called out and went to me as he was going to hug me, then I moved sidewards then forward, then they fell over a rock. What is a rock doing here anyways?

"What are you guys doing?" I said looking at them, while crossing my arms

Kyousuke's POV
I saw Maho no huggged Ishido Sama happily, Is there something she should tell us? About what happened in the hospital?
'Relative'... what relative relationship does he have with her?

Rairakku's POV
"E-Eh, D-Daijoubu desu ka?" Tenma said

"Oh! Right!" Then I helped both of them up "ah Daijoubu(Yeah, I'm fine) Perfectly fine now" then I went to Kyousuke practicing. Then Endou Kandekum called out, and we stood infront of him

"Minna! practice individualy or in a three-two- group!"

"Hai(Yes, sir)" then they all ran into groups while Kyousuke is about to walk to the goal. Then I went to Endou Kantoku

"Endou Kantoku"


"Can I partner with Kyousuke this time?"

"Demo Endou--(But Endou)" otonashi sensei said

"Ah!(Yeah) sure"

"Arigatou gusaimasu(Thank you)" then I turned around Kyousuke looked questioned. Then I just grinned. Then he closed his eyes while having his hands in his pockets and smiled. Then I walked towards him

"You want more from me eh?"

"Well, your the ace after all. And not just that, I need to see your power"

"So its that again were doing?"

"Maybe, I'll be here at the goal, and lets make a powerful shoot chain. No Keshin (avatar)

"Ah,(Yeah)" then I went inside the goal

"Bring it" he then uses

"Death Sword!"

"Bakunetsu Storm!" And together that shoot chain makes

"Death, Storm!" Awesome name eh? The ball went back to him

"Show it!"

"Arghhh ah!" He then kicks it back. Without a hisatssu, then I went forward out of the goal then I used my leg to grab the ball sidewards then I turned looking at the ball and clockwise. Then I stopped it. I felt the power.


"Heh, what do you expect?"

"Oh come on, dont be boastful"


Time skip it was lunch time. Aki nee cooked us some food, and put it in lunch boxes

Tenma, Kyousuke, and me in between, were sitting in the benched area

Then I saw Kariya, holding hot sauce and he was behind Kirino. I love hot eyes enlightened

"Kariya!" I called out. Then he looked at me and gave me the sign to be quiet

"Come on, share that hot sauce. Give me some"

"Eh!?" then Kirino looked at Kariya

"Nani o attairu?(What are you doing?)" Kirino asked Kariya

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