Chapter 2 "Tsurugi-Kyousuke, Yuuichi"

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The door opened and there was the seed they were talking about. The seed named....

Tsurugi Kyousuke

"Iko ze(Let's go)" Ishido Sama whispered to me

"Raimon huh? Very intresting" Tsurugi said

Kyousuke's POV

Finally Its my time to show those weaklings this rather organized soccer

"So I am walking with, Toramaru Sama, and Ishido Sama.... hmm why is he here anyways?" while walking in the dark hallway I looked beside Ishido Sama and saw someone in a full on black coat and only I can see from that person, is his/her eye, it was a glistering blue eye... I never seen someone like this while fighting off the other seeds, its too bad that one Fifth Sector's best seed died, they actually had set me up on a match with her, but it was cancelled.. I could have took the name if I were to battle with her, what is that girl's name again? Hm.... Maho no Rairakku? is it? Anyways this eye was looking directly at me, kind of creepy actually Who is this person? then the eye just closes carefully and Ishido Sama blocked that person

Rairakku's POV

While We Were walking I found myself wanting to see if I could know his personalities with just looking directly at his eye, then instead he started at my eye as well, then I pulled Ishido Sama's Jacket and carefully closed my eye and Ishido Sama blocked me...

"Doushita (What's wrong)Tsurugi?" Toramaru Sama asked

"Who is this other person we're with?" Tsurugi Kyousuke asked

"Other person?

Uh... Don't speak impolitely to the Holy Emperor. If you don't want to be---" Toramaru Sama Blocked.

"Wakaru no(I already know)" Tsurugi Kyousuke said boredly

Days later

I was spying on Tsurugi Kyousuke at the hospital, as he goes out of the door a few seconds I knocked on his brother's door,

"Is there something you forgotten Kyousuke? You can come in you know?" Then I opened the door seeing a guy that looks alot like Tsurugi Kyousuke...
and closed it and took the hood off my head

"Uh..." he seemed confused as my eyes looked at his'

A fews seconds passed..

And he responded
"Anata Dare ka(Who are you?)" His brother asked

"Sorry to barge in, when I am not the person whom you expected. I am Maho no Rairakku." I bowed " I'm here to discuss with you things about... Tsurugi Kyousuke"

"Kyousuke?" He paused thinking..."What about Kyousuke?"

"Well Kyousuke is apart of the Raimon Soccer Team, Eh?" I said "Well... seems like he is disobeying the fifth Sector's orders and I heard that you were the reason for his cooperation so might as well tell you the things that happened back that time,

um.... Tsurugi yuuichi San? Is it?"

"Are you a friend of Kyousuke?"

"Tomodachi da?(friend?)" I wondered.. "that's stupid" "Why ask?

.Well I am a spy sent by Fifth Sector and---" i stated but my words were cut off

"FIFTH SECTOR? Are you here to take Kyousuke's soccer away?

I'M ALWAYS WITH YOU(Tsurugi KyousukeX OC Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora