Chapter 4 "A Member of Raimon"

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I finally met up with Miss Otonashi Haruna now is the time to reveal myself

Tenma's POV

Now we're going to be practicing by trying to steal the ball from me, we are separated into groups anyways

"Nii-SAN! We have The new member!" New member!?

"A New Member? But we are already enough to---" Shindou Senpai said

"IE(No) We're not" Coach Endou said

"It means more people will help us take back real soccer," Tsurugi said

"Hai! Who is he? Where is he?"I said excitedly

"You all seemed excited.." then a person behind Miss Haruna started walking inside the field

"Yo, Minna(Everyone)"the person said in a low voice, why is this person wearing a black cape?even over his/her head

Kyousuke's POV

"Allow me to introduce you, our new member... Maho no Rairakku" Miss Haruna said while the person takes off the cape whilst closing its eyes and having his/her head down and the person slowly moves his/her head up and opens his/her eyes. revealing his/her face. Wait.....This is a girl? Daro?(Right?) Wait... Maho no Rairakku...?

isn't that person dead already!?

"EH!?" we all said

"A-Are you sure, she can play soccer with us in matches?" Shindou senpai demanded

"Hai, Its said that SHE is allowed to play in matches, it is announced by Fifth Sector" Haruna sensei said

Why IS SHE allowed?

"Rairakku, Sakka Yarouze!(Lets play Soccer)" Tenma said

"Ah," then we moved up the field, lets see how good this girl is at soccer...her going against me is a good balance

the whistle is blown and our group started the kick off,

I ran towards the other goal, and passed it to Kageyama I noticed this girl isnt moving at all ,then he got marked, and passed the ball to me

"Tsurugi!" I received the ball nicely and Maho no was in front of me so suddenly, then she was trying to steal the ball and succeeded, it gave me quite a shock to see this person knew my movements, as she dribbles pass me she gave me a stare while going pass me.

Wait...that eye,


"Who is this person we're with?"

"Uh... cdon't speak impolitely to The Holy Emperor"

End Of Flashback

Ishido Shuuji Sama was hiding her all this time.... that means she is a seed Sent secretly by The Holy Emperor himself

Then I turned around and saw her about to shoot.


"BURNING CATCH" Sangoku caught the ball but it still had power, so it pushed him to the goal

"SUGGE!(WOW)" Tenma expressed

"A Very strong shoot" Sangoku said while he, Tenma, Shindou, and Shinsuke run towards her

"Not Bad, however...." Then kicked the ball to her direction and she kicked it back in speed. then I walked towards them

"Tsurugi?" Tenma and Shindou asked

"What are you planning, Maho no?" as I said that they all looked confused. while she had her head down having her arms crossed and she smiled at one side

"I cant believe you finally recognized me,


"You were said to be dead, what is Fifth Sector hiding you for?"

"What does it look like? Am I dead?" Then She looked at me and my eyebrows met up

"You are a Top seed, yet such power would Ishido Shuuji will hide"

" A SHIDO!?(SEED!?)" They all screamed

"I knew something was a bit off..., shinjiramenai( I cant believe it)" Shindou Senpai said

"IE(No)" Kidou San said, "You should have noticed this from her plays... a seed who does not hurt and plays just like a normal being" "Anyways, even if she is a Seed She is still apart of Raimon"

I still don't trust her
"Yeah she'll be just like Tsurugi!" Tenma exclaimed... "what are you saying...?"

"Just Continue practicing,Maho no,Switch places with Nishiki"Nani?

"Looks like you're on our group Maho no, isho ni gambarrazo( lets work together)" Tenma said

"Ah(Yeah)" Maho no replied as she switch places with Nishiki

The Whistle was blown its the other group's time to do the kick off

Rairakku runs ahead in advance

As I stole the ball from Nishiki and I was marked, Then Tenma called out

"Tsurugi, Pass it to Maho no!" He called out,then I didn't pass it to her, I kicked the ball upwards and jumped to get it but she got it instead. Dang

"What a Weird Pass," She said boredly

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