Chapter 3 "Ishido Sama!?"

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When I went home it was night time so slept.

as I open my eyes, I smelled delicious food?

" Wait.Did I sleep walk or something? cause if I DID I'd rather always sleepwalk if it seems that my breakfast is always going to smell THAT tasty.

I stood up and brushed my navy long wavy hair and I brushed my teeth and washed my face, Today is Raimon's match, I should wear something that would not make me very noticeable.

SO I wore a normal White Tee, and light Blue Jeans, and dark blue sneakers, I also wore a dark blue jacket.

as I finished dressing up, I went outside my room, and heard something as if someone was here in my room? as I peek on the kitchen I saw someone wearing red and.... Oh!?

Ishido Sama is here? and.. Cooking?

"Ohayo Gusaimasu(Good Morning),Ishido 'Sama'?"I asked

"Ohayo Rairakku, You seamed questioned about me being here"

"Oh, Gomen, Gomen(Sorry, Sorry), I just thought you said you were busy and I was surprised that I actually didn't sleep walk and made this amazing food you're cooking." I said whilst I grab two plates and two pairs of spoon and forks and he put bacon's on a plate and puts it in the middle of the table

"I am actually here to tell you something, since Tsurugi Kyousuke is not in buisness with Fifth Sector. I have some news according to your job"

"News?" I said whilst eating

"You will not be spying on him anymore, after this match today is finished."Then he sat on the chair

Wait... what.???

Sigh.. its just a job.. nothing to care about is it?
"Wakatta.." i closed my eyes and looked down

"Demo... what should I do then?

I don't have a job... its boring doing nothing" I said whilst having my right elbow on the table and having my hand hold the spoon and pointed it at the right

"You will be joining Raimon's Soccer Team" Wait WHAT!? used my hand to stand up in rage

"NANI!?(WHAT!?) Watashi...?(Me?) Join....., Soccer.....-" I said sitting while backing a bit , sitting in the form of angel sit and having both of my hands in front of me

"AH(Yeah), I already asked Raimon and I already have set things up for your arrival."

Demo Nande(But why?)
"W-Why, Join me into their, soccer team?"

"Cause they will need you, and your soccer"

"M-My Soccer?,

Sore wa Abunai(Its dangerous)"

" It will only be dangerous if you will keep thinking it is, anyways... You love soccer, right?" That word "love soccer" brightened my mind"You wont be good at it if you don't love it, and the result of that love are your hisatssu techniques.

Remember the time when your brother said he will get the ball? That shows that he is amazed with what you are doing and he sees HOW much you love soccer, You were always alone playing what you love by yourself when there is someone you can play with. do you remember that your brother is the one who asked for you to teach him?"

"B-But because of me...-, unlike you. You have Yuuka with you"

"Being complete in only one person isn't the answer to everything. working together is the answer, working with everyone in pace, like puzzle pieces"Puzzle pieces really? At least that made me smile

"How did you know that?" I asked in a cold tone

"Not now" ishido sama refused to tell
"Remember, tomorrow at Their practice you will come and wear this uniform" he show me a uniform

"Y-You already had one for me?"

"Ah, Its the number 11, also one more thing. they said girls aren't able to participate in matches but. YOU are able to" he hands me the uniform

"Wait... are other girls allowed to?"

"It depends on the match, if it's a match that Fifth Sector arranges. They can't disagree to my orders"

"You really took advantage on your position?" as I said that he stood up from the chair and started walking to the door

"Ah(Yeah), well I need to be heading at the viewing headquarters. Mata ne( See you)" he said as he opened the door.

"Mata ne(See You There) Ishido Sama"I said, as he smiled and closed the door behind him

"M-Me in a soccer team? with.... M-My Soccer?" I looked at the uniform handed me. I'm going to be a striker? Why did he made me a striker? We still have some few hours, Maybe i should start going to the stadium.

Some few hours of traveling I arrived at the stadium

Its already packed, I need to be in a place where none of the Fifth Sectors will see me. so this is the pinball stadium eh? definitely looks like a giant pinball thingy.

While watching the match....

They are good people who JUST Don't give up that easily, in result they are counterattacking, even the newbies like Kageyama Hikaru they're in such pace. I don't even know if could do that. they have Such high spirits... Do I even belong there? Do I deserve it?

The Match finished and Raimon won.

Next Day, this is the day where I am going to be a part of Raimon's soccer club....

As I put on the number 11 t-shirt of the Team,

I wore the gold strap mom gave me before they left. although it hurts,

It wasnt the first time I wore this. I fixed my hair braided it along with a white ribbon I raised my collar up, I wore above the knee black socks and wore my red soccer shoes. Am I ready? then I had my black cape with me to cover me, I am first going to meet Miss Haruna Sensei

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