Guilt and Bliss

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Sophia was, in one word, elated.
Her whole body was tingling, dancing, and there were butterflies in her stomach. She gazed into Henry's eyes, and saw the pleading, the begging, the desperation. It felt good to have power over him, something no-one could have. But she had to make sure...
"And how do I know you won't just toss me aside like my sister? That you will only marry me for sons? How can I marry you without being certain?" Henry bit his lip and turned away, his eyes stormy. "You women! You can never say a simple 'yes' or 'no' can you?"
"How can I know?"repeated Sophia firmly. He shook his head, sighing. Sophia put her hands on his shoulders and pulled him to face her. "How can I know?"
The King at first just stared at her, but soon regained his manner.
"You can be sure. I swear and promise I will never take a mistress or have any other affairs with women, to be completely faithful to you! I will never part with you until either of us dies! Is that enough? Do I have to say my wedding vows now?"
Sophia smiled, "don't worry, it's fine. But I just don't want to be like my sister, tossed aside and forgotten. You understand, don't you?" The King smiled and cupped her chin in his hands.
"I am truly lucky to have you, Sophia." He kissed her and Sophia kissed him back.
"You must remember what you swore and promises, though,"gasped Sophia, tearing herself away, "you must never betray me."
"Why,"said the King, "would I ever betray you? I have all I need." And he kissed her again. Above them, in the palace, servants peered out of the windows in glee.
"We finally have our Queen of England!"said one.
"No more dozens of women visiting to win the King's heart!"cried another.
"And no more of these awful tempers!"suggested a third. The other nudged him.
"And best of all,"said Mary, "we have a beautiful queen to have His Majesty's sons!"

20 September 1511
Wedding preparations began and no-one was more excited about the marriage then Sophia. She and the King now spent hours riding together, laughing and talking, and planning the rest of their lives together. The spirit in the Hampton Court, especially in the servants, had been lifted and you couldn't walk one metre without hearing about 'Lady Sophia and the King'.
Invitations were sent out to over one hundred and twenty people, including Louisa and her parents. This troubled Sophia as she had effectively stolen the crown from her sister and it made her feel very guilty.
Sophia decided to consult Henry about it the night before her parents arrived. She knocked on the door of his bedchamber and was pleased to hear him reply 'come in'
"Ah, Sophia! What's the matter? You're not having second thoughts are you?"
"No, of course not! I wanted to—"
"Come, sit on my bed,"he interrupted, patting the bed next to him. Sophia crossed the room and climbed onto the bed next to him.
"What is it?"he asked.
"Well... I just feel so guilty. Louisa thought she would marry you and she was crestfallen when you tired of her. I told her that we would go home and forget about this whole trip altogether."
"And?"he said.
"And here I am marrying you myself! I betrayed her!"she wailed. The King sighed and put his arm around her. "You have absolutely nothing to be guilty about so calm down. We'll face her tomorrow as best we can and she should be happy for you. If she's in her right mind, which she isn't." Sophia laughed weakly and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I can't wait,"she said.
He smiled and hugged her.
"Neither can I."

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