Engaged to the King of England

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4 December 1517
It  had been over 6 months since the King had bowed to her that twilight evening, and Diana, feeling rather neglected and lonely, decided to call her brother John to court. She had delighted in the dresses that Henry had sent her, thinking them more beautiful than any dresses she had ever owned, and worn them whenever she wanted to please (or impress) people.

There was one that she particularly loved, and the one she chose to wear when John would arrive, which was made of navy velvet. It had long sleeves, a straight neckline and cinched waist, and the design was altogether rather simple, but it   was decorated with row upon row of little jewels across the bodice and sleeves, and thus made the dress special in Diana's eyes.
While she was waiting for John, Diana was wondering down the corridor to ask Thomas if he liked her dress, because she had nothing much else to do, when a messenger ran up to her and said "His Majesty would like a private audience with you, My Lady, if you don't mind."
"I don't. Please take me to him,"replied Diana politely, batting her eyelids at him, and she followed the messenger into a drawing room where the King stood at the window gazing out at the views of Bushy Park far away. The messenger announced "the Lady Diana, Your Majesty," and shut the door behind him as he went.

"How are you?"he asked, beckoning for her to come closer.
"Well, Your Majesty,"she replied in the same tone. The King laughed, but did not take his eyes away from the window.
"I see you are wearing one of the dresses I sent you. Did you not think that they might be for someone else?" Diana looked vaguely perplexed.
"They were addressed to me, and unless there is another 'Lady Diana Westerly' at this court that I do not know of, then I presume that they were for me." The King laughed again, but more heartily this time, and he finally tore his eyes away from the glass to her. His eyes seemed to widen very slightly, and Diana noticed the faint smile that crept onto his face.
"It looks lovely on you,"he said.
"Anything more?"replied Diana with a purposeful note of disappointment in her voice.
"Yes. You look simply ravishing,"he said, sounding like he meant it this time.
"You are making me sound like a swan that you want to eat,"answered Diana, and Henry smiled at the humour in her remarks.
"Perhaps I am doing it on purpose,"challenged Henry. Diana could tell he was flirting with her, and also knew what he was going to do next, and she figured that she had better please him. So, Diana, praying to God to forgive her, kissed him exactly the same time as he kissed her. He was a good kisser, there was no doubt about that, and Diana's heart finally gave way. She liked the King, in the sort of romantic way, but she loved Thomas in a deeper, mature way that seemed more natural.
"Will you be my wife, Diana?"murmured Henry, cupping her chin and smiling at her.
"Yes. Yes, a thousand times!"cried Diana, and kissed him again. Later that day, their betrothal was announced and Thomas Cromwell broke his heart.


5 December 1517
"My dear sister,"said John Westerly, kissing her on both cheeks, "how I have missed you! But soon, I shall I have to call you 'Your Majesty', will I not?" Diana laughed. She felt brighter and cheerier than ever in a sky-blue gown with draped sleeves and diamonds at the bodice, nearly a Queen.
"Of course not! You may always call me Diana, John,"replied Diana.
"How are you managing being betrothed to the King of England?"he asked.
"Well,"said Diana vaguely, "but I wanted to ask a a favour of you."
"Anything for you, Diana."
"I have the King's permission to take a carriage out to Bodley Castle and Westhorpe House, and I would appreciate it very much if you would accompany me!"
"Of course—but why are we visiting these places?" Diana smiled.
"These are the residences of Lady Louisa Bradley and Princess Clara respectively, and I wish to visit both,"she answered.
"When shall we leave?"John asked.
"Now! The carriage is ready, and I will send a maid for my travelling cloak." As John, looking rather unsettled, left the room to get ready, Diana paused in front of a mirror, and picked up a dainty diamond tiara from its velvet box. It was a engagement present from Henry, to wear before they were married, and Diana gently put it atop her dark head and unbound hair.

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