And They all Lived Unhappily Ever After

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29 May 1516
"Sophia! I trust you found something to amuse yourself while I was away?"said the King joyfully. He had just returned from France after many months, and found a great change at court. No-one was speaking to Diana Westerly, except her cousin, and though men still stared at her, she was greatly changed by the greyness of the country. At least, that was what Henry thought.
"You've been gone too long, Henry,"whispered Sophia, gazing at her husband sadly. "I'd almost given up on you.
"Nonsense! I am perfectly alright, and now I am home with you, I am happy. Say..... What has happened to Diana Westerly? Her social status seems to have plummeted over the time that I have been away!" He raised his eyebrows at the expression on Sophia's tired face.

"We argued. I told her that she knew nothing about love and that she should be ashamed of behaving so inappropriately and start finding a husband before her youth leaves her,"said Sophia bluntly. The King looked incredibly confused.
"But Sophia—"
"Listen to me, Henry, listen to what I have to say. I want to know, honestly and truthfully: do you love Diana?" The King stuttered, but the Queen continued without waiting for an answer. "Don't answer that. I know what you'll say anyhow. How can you? She's been at court for so long, and so long must you have waited to be rid of me, but now, after 3 years, I still remain an obstacle! You should have told me earlier that you have tired of me! I—I remember what you said when you proposed to me, how you promised that there would be no other woman in your life! You broke that promise almost straight away with Anna Talbot, then cast her aside like some doll that you'd tired of playing with. How could you? Then, Diana. Yes, Henry, I know about how you found her! I saw all those young girls, children, giving you loving looks and vying for your attention, but I kept quiet, out of a love for you. When I had gone to sleep, at that party, you met Diana when searching for a mistress! And you weren't really drunk, were you Henry?"
"I won't be an obstacle in your life anymore, Henry. If I die, you'll marry Diana, won't you? Be happy, my King, and love her more than you ever loved me, because once I'm gone, I won't be back. Have sons, and let Westerly blood flow down the Royal bloodline, but remember Clara. She will be like me, when she is older, I'm sure. When I am dead, she will be all you have left."
The next morning, she was gone.

30 May 1516
"FIND HER!"screamed Henry, calling to all his servants, messengers and courtiers. "I WILL NOT ACCEPT THAT SHE IS DEAD UNTIL I HOLD HER BODY IN MY ARMS SO FIND HER!" He was in a terrible state. The King had sent many search parties to find Sophia, as well as in the palace.
Perhaps I should help?
The King heard somebody enter, so he called out "if you're not a kitchen servant, you should be searching for my wife!"
"Should I?"said the confident voice of Diana Westerly.
The King stood up, walked right up to Diana and slapped her hard across the face.
"You witch! You are the reason for all this, and if I don't find her, YOU will be blamed. Understand? Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Diana rolled her beautiful eyes and sauntered out, looking vexed in a casual sort of way.  At this, the King resolved to find his wife himself.

Henry could feel the wind rushing by his ears as his horse galloped across Bushy Park, where he usually hunted. The ground felt hard every time the horse's hooves hit it, and the distant noises of other searchers were lost in the sound of the strong wind. The King knew he had to find her, before it was too late, but he knew that he really shouldn't have come out alone.
"Sophia!"he bellowed across the grassland, and the thick crowds of trees. "I will find you,"he whispered to himself, "I will. I promise." He slowed down to a gentle trot through the trees, and the ground crunched slightly every step. There was no wind here; it was silent and peaceful. Everything was still.
Sophia was not found that day.

1 June 1516
It had been a couple of days since Sophia had disappeared, and Henry was beginning to worry. He searched the woods as soon as the sun was in the sky, but there was no avail.

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