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Dear Readers,

     This is a story I had been going back and forth for a while about whether to write or not, and one day, I decided to just do it. I'm quite uncertain about it; it's definitely not the best in its field, but I still hope you find it enjoyable and a worthwhile read. I am open to any and all criticism, and I would love to hear what you have to say, the good, the bad and the ugly- your opinions matter a great deal to me. Please feel free to vote and comment, and I look forward to taking this journey with you all!

~ JM


     I knelt in front of my parents bed, watching their sleeping forms in the moonlight that drifted in through the one small window. Their backs rose and fell with their shallow breaths- they looked so peaceful. So oblivious to our situation.

     At the foot of their bed, the gurgling noises of a baby sounded within the cradle. I quickly stood as my mother stirred, reaching in to stroke the silken hairs on my baby sister's head. I hushed her, before my parents could wake, crooning gentle words to the little one.

     "Shh... hush baby. I know you're sad, but you won't be for long. I'm going to take care of you; you're the reason I'm doing this. Shh. Don't worry, you'll see me again, someday."

     With that, the baby settled back into her slumber, and I placed a kiss on her soft forehead, careful not to disturb her. With both my hands I grasped the small suitcase that lay on my stiff bed. It didn't weigh much, for I had few belongings to place within it. As I opened the crooked door, I looked back; all my family, sleeping soundly. I smiled, wanting to remember them this way forever.

     I stepped out into the cold night, my thin cloak providing little relief from the chill in the air. But I ignored it. I had to press on. I dared not look back as I walked down the street, away from my house- or, what was my house, when I lived there. Ma Mère would be so sad, she would probably cry for days. Mon Père would search long and hard. And my baby sister, she would never know sa sœur. But I couldn't think about all this. Not now. It was too late.

     My family couldn't support us all- they thought I, at eleven, couldn't understand this, but they were wrong. I knew full well what was happening, I understood the tense whispers behind my back, or when they thought I was asleep in the bed across the room. But I know. And now I'm going to do something about it. I knew what I had to do, and there was no other way.

     I won't be able to send them much, but every franc will help, and maybe one day I will be able to come home to a house that isn't so worn down. This is what I clung to as I disappeared into the night.


     The sky was a dark shade of blue, the first light of day stretching across it. I walked the unfamiliar streets, my feet aching, my whole body numb from the cold- at least the stinging had gone away.

     It had taken all night, but I was finally there. I had made it to my new life, and it stood before me in the form of an ornate building. Mustering all the strength I had left, I climbed the grand stairs to the even grander doors, hoping with everything in me that they would answer my knocks.

     I banged on the door as hard as my tired, cold body would let me, calling to those inside, nearly begging to be let in. I was desperate enough to beg, by this point. I only needed some warmth, perhaps a cup of tea...

     I don't know how long I stood there making a fool of myself; as long as it took for my body to slide down onto the snowy steps in defeat. I wrapped my thin little cloak around myself, shivering uncontrollably. Perhaps this was all for nothing, perhaps I would fall asleep on these steps and die in the cold. I was so tired...

     Suddenly, the doors opened, warm light flooding the streets. Grabbing my suitcase I clambered on my knees inside, into the warmth. I looked up to thank whoever had welcomed me in, but they were nowhere to be seen. Disappeared. The doors closed behind me by some invisible force; just the wind, certainly.


Of Phantoms and Angelsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن