XII. Journey to Belle-Lille

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     Il Muto continued as planned for the next few days, with a few minor accommodations; Christine played the role of Comtesse, and box five was left empty each night.  their audience was smaller in size, but who could blame the Parisians?  After a body was dropped on the performers heads on the opening night, they weren't as eager to attend the opera as usual.  

     Even the performers themselves went about their business with unease, nobody without a partner to accompany them through the corridors.  There was a weariness in their performances, dancers and actors performing with careful tension; they were treading on very thin ice.

     Lilienne woke early in the morning, the sky still a dark shade of blue.  Careful not to wake the other girls, she left the warmth of her covers and began to dress.  But, not into her performance costume today - today marked the start of their break.  She pulled up her tights, lacing the ribbons on her thighs, tied her corset, and donned a simple dress.  The one in faded blue, with buttons down the front.  She braided her hair back as she slipped from the room into the empty corridors, tying it with the ribbon of black silk.

     Lilienne enjoyed these early mornings; she could eat her breakfast in peace.  She entered the kitchen, where Mme DuPont - their chef - was only just beginning to prepare the meal.

     "Bon matin, Madame."

     "Bon matin, Lilienne.  You're up early this morning."

     "You sound surprised."

     The woman smiled at her as she poured them both a cup of tea.  They usually spent the mornings like this, in each other's company, as Mme DuPont made toast and hot grains in her giant pot.

     "So, Lili, there's a lot of buzz about the bal masqué.  Will you be going out on the town today to find a dress?"

     Of course, today the performers would be paid, and many of the women would be rushing straight out to find a glamorous gown for the upcoming masquerade ball in one week's time.  But Lilienne had no intention on wasting her hard-earned money on something so frivolous; in fact, she didn't even intend on going to the bal masqué -  Lilienne LaClaire would rather be anywhere than the middle of a large crowd.  And as for dancing, well, she could barely do a ballet, so ballroom dancing was out of the question.  Not that it mattered, because no one would ask her to dance, anyway.

     "No.  I don't think I'll be going to the ball.  I have better ways to spend my money than on a gown I'll only wear once."

     "You're a smart girl, Lili.  But, perhaps you should be a little less smart for one night.  A little fun has never done anyone harm - and you, my dear, should see some more of it."

     Lilienne just smiled and nodded, promising to think about reconsidering.  Though, her mind was already made up.  She sipped her tea quietly and buttered the piece of toast Mme DuPont put on a plate for her.

     Pretty soon, the other performers trickled in, and coffee was passed around like Camille.  She watched them come in, Christine with the Vicomte de Chagny, Minet and Pauline clinging together as always.  They approached her.

     "Lili, you were up early this morning," Pauline said.

     "Do you want to go dress shopping with us later, Lili, for the masked ball?" Minet asked.

     "Non, merci.  I have some... business... to attend to."

     "Oh, that's right - Lilienne doesn't like to have fun," Pauline teased, prompting a snorting giggle from Minet.  Lilienne just shook her head and sipped her tea; it was true, what Lilienne had said - there would be no time for dresses today.

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