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     The title says it all.  It's been grand, folks - here's one last hurrah.  I hope my ending does justice to the rest of my story.  Please enjoy, and thank you for reading.


     The soft sound of water sloshing against the shore echoed through the cavernous space, the haze of candlelight reflecting off the ripples and sending patterns of light dancing across the uneven stone walls.  

     The quiet tap-tap of Lilienne's shoes was the only other sound to fill the empty lair.  She moved slowly about the Phantom's things; there were so many beautiful objects that cluttered the place, giving it a sort of haphazard charm.  She let her hand trail over them as she made her progress; she felt the sheets of music, marble busts, lengths of luxurious fabric.

     She didn't know how long it had been since the mob had left.  She didn't know if she should leave, as well; after all, she knew not whether Erik would return, and it tore her in two - part of her wanted him to stay away from this wretched place, but the other part wished him to be there with her.  She passed through his lair, the only sounds to break the silence the sloshing of water and the tapping of her shoes.

     As she moved along, her hand came to the music box with the little monkey.  She took hold of winding it, and the little monkey played his symbols as the box played its song.  It was a cheerful tune that made Lilienne smile.    

     Her smile faded as her eyes drifted to the object sitting next to it - the stark white, vicious mask.  A sadness weighed on her as she placed her slender fingers on it, picking it up.  Her thumb caressed the cheekbone as she stared into its eye.

Past the point of no return...

     She sang quietly, her solitary voice bouncing off the walls and filling the empty space.  Somehow, it made Lilienne feel less alone. 

The final threshold -

The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn;

We've past the point of no-

     Lilienne's voice silenced itself as a second one joined in the last line.  She spun on her heel with a gasp to look into the deformed face of Erik.  Her Angel.

     "-return."  He spoke the last word, looking back at her with a mix of anticipation, hope, and skepticism, equaling her own.  They looked over each other over like they were seeing them for the first time.  Silence stretched between them as their eyes searched one another.

     "You're back."

     "You're still here."  His voice was quiet, almost inaudible, but she could still hear the undertone of disbelief, as if he was seeing a ghost.

     "Of course I am.  I said I wouldn't leave, Erik."  

     Lilienne gave him a small, hopeful smile.  She watched, her smile dissolving as his eyes lowered to rest on the mask, still in her hand.  He regarded her nervously as she took tentative steps closer to him, raising her arm.

     "I hope," she began slowly as she held it out to him, "that someday, you won't feel that you need this."

     He took it from her silently, averting his gaze as if he was too ashamed to look upon her.  He turned and began to retreat into the depths of his lair, leaving her to stand there.

     "Erik," she blurted out his name in a hurry.  He stopped, his back to her, and she tried to hide her nervousness as she spoke to him.

     "I won't leave."

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