XIX. The Final Threshold

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     Lilienne had always loved the the thrilling energy backstage in the minutes before a performance, but tonight, it was as if a shadow had passed over the Opéra Populaire.  Everyone stood in their positions, shifting nervously between their feet, eyes flicking from person to person in silent anxiety.

     Lilienne looked to Christine, who stood like she was made stone.  Her eyes were cast downward as if she couldn't bring herself to look up.  Je ne sais pas pourquoi elle a tellement peur...  Lilienne thought to herself, not for the first time, as she looked at the distraught young woman.  If he loves her, then I don't see why she's so afraid of him.  He was so good to me, so I can only imagine how good he would be to her, his Ange de la Musique.

     She felt another stab in her stomach, but she didn't have time to dwell on her jealousy as the music started below with a jolt.  The first on stage were already out and singing the introduction - Lilienne was surprised the Phantom had given Carlotta any part in his opera.  They sang and swayed, acting ivre, though she knew not all of them were acting.

     As soon as the intro was over, Lilienne scurried onto the stage, following closely behind Piangi, or Don Juan.  She stayed in the back, kneeling on the ground and pretending to scrub; yes, Lilienne LaClaire was the maid.  

     All the other women in this opera wore short skirts and low-cut corsets that squeezed their breasts, but Lilienne was wearing a simple, modest frock; from the buttons at her neck to the hem that hung at her ankles, it was loose-fitting as to disguise any curves underneath, as she was the only woman not stuffed into a corset.  Her arms were hidden under long sleeves, her hair was hidden beneath a wrap, she wore no makeup, and she felt just a little cheated; surely the Phantom had approved all the costumes.

     She wasn't on stage for long, just long enough for Don Juan to don his cape and mask, and set out after the star of this opera.  As he and Passarino left the stage through the set, she scurried off stage left.

     She let her hand brush comfortingly against Christine's as she passed her, and watched her wander slowly onto the stage, alone. 

No thoughts within her head but thoughts of joy,

No dreams within her heart but dreams of love.

     Lilienne stood and watched, agreeing with the Aminta.  She watched as Don Juan returned to the stage.

You have come here

In pursuit of your deepest urge -

In pursuit of that wish which 'til now

Has been silent,


     Lilienne's breath caught in her chest.  She would recognize that voice anywhere, for no one had a voice quite so beautiful.  Her eyes fixed themselves upon him, taller and built much more pleasingly than Piangi.  There was a fluttering in her chest.

I have brought you

That our passions may fuse and merge.

In your mind you've already succumbed to me -

Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me,

Now you are here with me,

No second thoughts, you've decided,


     Of course, she thought, chastising herself for not realizing, I should have known.  He would never leave Don Juan in the hands of anyone other than himself.  He would never merely watch his opera.  They've gotten it all wrong.  But she wasn't surprised.  She had known he would outsmart them; he always had.

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