Back Up, Thorne

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Today was Sunday and unfortunately Stryker was coming to get Lenn for baseball at the park. 

So I was stuck with Lunch making duties. 

I sat up in my bed, sleep trying to pull me back down. I reluctantly stood up from my bed, stretching and scratching my bare stomach. I silenced the alarm on my phone. I walked to the en-suite bathroom. Washing my face and brushing my teeth. I'd take a shower later, I mumbled leaving the bathroom.

I walked back over to my bed, gently shaking Len who was sleeping there. "Hey, Bud. Come on, get up."

I continued to shake him and he grumbled and rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head. "Five more minutes, Mama."

"Get up, you lazy bum!"I gently slapped his bum and he yelped sitting up immediately. 

"What's that for?" He grumbled.

"Stryker's coming to get you remember?"

"Oh, yeah." He stretched and climbed off my bed. He walked over to me and beckoned me down. I leaned down and he kissed my cheek. "Morning Mama." 

"Morning Baby, now go hop in the shower. Make sure you pick out a jacket ok, it's kind of chilly out."

He gave a thumbs up as he walked down the hallway to his room. 

I went back for my circle frame glasses before tiredly walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. Once inside, I started up the coffeemaker. I needed some - alot - of Caffeine to face Stryker this early. When the coffee was brewed I poured it in my cup, let it cool for a minute before  drinking it black. I poured myself another cup, the more Caffeine the better. 

I sighed and placed my mug down. I slid my hair tie off my wrist and pinned my hair up in a messy pile on top of my head. Ok, let's get started on Lunch.

I slowly sliced up all the vegetables that Len liked in his sandwiches, slowly humming one of my songs. 

I made enough sandwiches for Len and a few extras I placed in a separate bag and labeled 'Thorne' . I don't like the man but I don't think anyone deserves to starve. I got out strawberries and and grapes and placed them in containers. 

I carefully packed the sandwiches, the fruit containers, couple bottles of water and juice, before standing and thinking about what else to put. Suddenly I remembered Len's favourite animal crackers and granola bars. I put a few of those in before closing the bag. 

I set the bag aside and started preparing the ingredients for Quinn's breakfast quiche. He hasn't been feeling well these past two days so I've been making him breakfast in bed. 

As I was slicing the ingredients, a voice suddenly called out to me making me roll my eyes. If only the coffee hadn't gone cold, I'd drink another cup.

"Hey Calvin! Oh wait, it's Ian now isn't it?" 

"Hello, Thorne."

"Last name today? I thought we were on a first name basis?"

"How did you get in?"

"Nox let me in. He left to go find a jacket though, he said you told him to."

"He hates that name, by the way." 

"Oh." Stryker said coming closer to me. 

I held up the knife I was using to cut Spinach and pointed it at him. "We had a six feet distance agreement remember?"

"Oh, come on, Ian. How can you be so mean?" He pouted. 

I lowered my knife again and finished chopping the spinach. Placing it in it's own bowl.

I sighed and turned to look at Stryker. "Do you see this face?"

He looked confused but still replied yes. 

"Well, it says don't fucking hold a conversation with me Thorne." 

He was silent for a while after that. I started cutting up the sausages, the sound of the knife hitting the cutting board echoing in the silent kitchen. 

Then all of a sudden his head was lying on the counter looking up at me."Come on, forgive me please."

 I stabbed the knife in the wooden counter-top next to his head in irritation.  His eyes widened and he backed up against the fridge. "You almost KILLED me!"

I pointed my finger at him. "If it wasn't for the laws  of this land, I WOULD HAVE killed you." I hissed. 

He looked frightened but quickly tried to hide it. He cleared his throat and sent a glare my way before walking out to the living room. 

When I heard Len's voice in the living room, I picked up the Picnic lunch bag and handed it to Stryker. 

I glared at Stryker, poking him with my finger with each word. "Don't.let.him.get.hurt."

"Obviously, he's my son too you know."

"Legally yes, but you weren't in my life." Lennox said looking up at Stryker. 

Both of us were shocked, Stryker a bit more than me. 

Lennox was the one to break the silence again. "Let's go..I have a checkup with the pack doctor at Uncle Zen's pack at four."

Stryker still dumbfounded nodded and left to go to the car. I received a goodbye kiss on my cheek from Len before he ran off to the car. "Bye Mama, I love you!" He screamed from the car. 

"I love you too!" I yelled back at him. He smiled and waved before getting in the car.

I stood by the window watching as the car disappeared before returning to the kitchen and finishing the quiche from earlier. Apart from having to take of Quinn and finishing up some work on my new novel I had nothing to do except anticipate Len's arrival back home. 

I was so attached to him, I mean him, Quinn ( and baby) and Zen are my only family. 

He was always with me, My little bundle of joy. My sunshine, my whole world . I hoped Stryker didn't plan to ruin this for me too because I won't let him.

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