NERIS Stands for....

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I sat in front of the computer. I took a deep breath before plugging my thumb drive into it. When the computer recognized it, I opened up a file and got to work. 

I was busily typing away that I didn't hear anyone come in. 

"Ian, what are you doing?" 

I turned and saw Stryker standing behind me.

"Oh, I'm working on some files. I have deadlines to meet." 

"You still want to work as an author?"

"Of course, just because I left Philip doesn't mean that I'll leave my job too." 

Stryker clearly looked taken aback but he hid it quickly. "I was joking, no need for sarcasm." He chuckled pinching my cheek. I internally rolled my eyes. He clearly thought I was just gonna be his stay at home trophy wife. 

Stryker sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I finished what I was typing and got up from next to Stryker. "I...uh gotta head into the studio to record some songs. I might be home late so don't wait up."

Stryker seemed upset at my statement but nodded anyway. "Oh...ok. Good luck."

I unplugged the thumb drive and slipped it in my pocket. I gave him a small smile before heading towards the door, jacket in hand. As I slipped on my jacket, the phone vibrated in the pocket. 

I quickly answered it when I saw the caller ID. 


"I've arranged everything for you. We're just waiting on you to arrive." 

"Great." I glanced back at Stryker, who waved back at me with a smile. I gave a tight smile of my own and continued to walk out the door. "I'll be there soon." 


Stryker P.O.V

Shortly after Ian left my father came into room, rather excited. "I heard you and the runt are together now." 

"We've been together for almost a month now, how are you just hearing this?" I laughed.

"That's not the point. The main point is whether or not he's left his husband yet." My father said with a hard stare. "So...has he?" 

I sat back down at the desk. "It's in the process, the court date is in three weeks. We seem to getting custody of Lennox as well." I said with pride. 

"Great, everything is going the way we want it to. As soon as you too get married you can be alpha, and we'll have access to his money. No matter how you look at it this is a win-win situation." He smiled, clasping his hands together. 

We both began laughing at his statement only to be interrupted by the gamma's daughter Milani who came barging into the room. She was panting and her eyes were laced with concern or maybe fear. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up from my desk. 

"You have to come downstairs immediately!" 

I looked at her panicked expression and gave a let's go signal to my dad before following after Milani. 

Once downstairs we were greeted by the Lord of the  Werewolves Xander Pierce and the Royal Guards. 

"Lord  Xander, to what do we owe this visit?" 

The Lord  gave me a smirk and said. "We're here to retrieve a traitor." While he said the sentence his eyes were not focused on me but behind me. I followed his eyes to see.... a shocked Ian. I thought he left? I quickly threw that thought aside because there was something more important to be dealt with. 

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