Am I Happy Now?

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I stirred my coffee slowly, my mind far away. 

Suddenly I felt something soft pressed to my lips. I came to and saw Philip leaning back in his chair. He playfully smirked my way and I gave him a small smile in return. 

"Don't worry. Our son will be fine." 

I gave a small nod and a smile. He leaned in again but this time I responded, leaning in also and met him halfway. 

"Because that bastard knows what he's up against if something happens to our Lennox." This time I chuckled and gently smacked his arm. "Go have a shower. Your father wants to see you?"

"The Past Alpha wants to me?" Philip's eyes bulged. 

"Yea, he called me today."

"I don't want to go." 

"You have to, it's your father." 

Philip sighed as if considering it and stood up. "Fine." He turned abruptly and marched to the upstairs bathroom. I smiled gently and downed the rest of my lukewarm coffee. 

After washing our dishes from breakfast, I headed up to the bathroom. 

Philip stood by the sink brushing his teeth, his hair wet from his shower. When he saw me he gave a raised eyebrow. "Why are you inw here?" He asked. 

"I live here too." I smirked, pulling off my shirt and sweatpants.

He slowly watched me, toothbrush in hand. I stopped behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso, pressing my body flat against his back. "Thanks for returning home to me." 

"Thank you for loving me." He mumbled. 

I tiptoed up and kissed the nape of his neck. "I always will."

When Philip left the bathroom, I sat on the side of the bath tub. Running the water until it was at it's optimum temperature. While sitting there my thoughts ran back to Stryker. My heart skipped a beat and my body began to heat up like what happened last night. 

I immediately shook my head and thought about Philip, I was married with a Family. I should forget Stryker. I should. 

I mean...that is what's best right? 


The whole time while in my home office, I couldn't focus. I kept biting my nails until I nearly had nothing left on them. I only stopped when I tasted a metallic taste on my lips. 

I looked at my hand and saw my finger was bleeding. 

I sighed and reached into the drawer of my desk, pulling out my first aid kit. I opened it and found a bandage, which I placed on my finger. 

I kept thinking about Lennox and whether or not I made a wrong choice by sending him to Stryker's house. Thoughts swam in and out of my head, bad ones and a few good ones. I wanted to do the good thing which was make him get to know his father but I was too unsure. My mind would not settle the issue. 

I quickly stood up grabbing a jacket and my keys. I was heading to Stryker's house and I don't give a fuck if I was banished years ago. My baby is in that house.


I pulled up at the pack house. So many memories, many of them I was not proud of. 

I briskly walked toward the house, intending to fight anyone who prevented me from seeing my son. 

"You stop there!" A man who looked like a  pack warrior yelled at me. 

NERIS (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now