God Damn Right, You Should Be Scared Of Me

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Stryker P.O.V

I stared down at Ian who at first sounded like he was crying but If I listened closely it was actually a laugh. It slowly got louder and louder until it was a full blown cackle.

He looked up at me through his eyelashes. The look wasn't any less than menacing that's for sure. His cheek was still red from where I had punched him. His mouth and chin was stained with blood, but his blood covered teeth widened in a large smile.

He slowly stood, spiting out the blood in his mouth.

I kept backing up as he kept coming toward me.

"What's wrong, Honey?" He sinisterly whispered. "Are you scared of me?" A large smile was represent on his face.

I didn't reply because if I did I knew I would be lying to myself. My ego wouldn't allow me to say I was scared of Ian.

The smile slowly slipped from his face. "I asked you a question."

I still didn't respond and this angered him even more. He raised his hand as if to hit me and my eyes closed in retaliation.

I only opened my eyes when I heard laughter. I looked over at Ian who was cackling again the same crazy look in his eyes. "God damn right, you should be scared of me."

"You crazy bastard!"

He laughed some more. "You're right, I am crazy. But you made me this way." He sighed. "If you had just accepted me we could have had a happy life together but you rejected me and I swore I'd get my revenge."

Ian sighed, sat down on a nearby chair and placed one leg on top of the other. "The pain of a rejection is very painful. Sometimes I felt like I would die but I kept myself alive by the sheer force of anger and the need to get revenge."

Listening to him speak was slowly starting to worry me about what he'd do next.

"My revenge is well planned out you see." Ian said smiling my way as he reached under the bed for something. When he came back up , he was holding a knife by the blade. He slowly began to twirl it as he continued to speak. "I figured you'd find me faster if I was somewhere high, like a high position of some kind. And since highschool I've always been told I've had a captivating voice so I thought I'd use it to my advantage. I decided to become a singer, I mean I could use my talents whilst at the same time plan my revenge."

"That's where the name NERIS came into play." I whispered.

"Precisely." He laughed, pausing his movements and lowering the knife to his lap. The whole time my eyes kept contact with it. "You're catching on. Everything down to the T was a elaborate trap. Every album title and even my Motto was a warning. My motto 'Deliver no evil' Is actually a play on words. If you spell the whole sentence backwards it reads 'Live on Reviled. Which basically means to live on intense hatred. "

Ian glanced at the clock behind him and sighed. "They'll be here soon."

"Who'll be here?"

He gave a smile. "You'll see." With that he began to pinch his skin until it had red splotches all over. When he removed his towel, it revealed black skin tight boxers and purple bruises all over his tights. "Nice handiwork if I say so myself. It took alot of makeup to make them look this real."

"You're crazy."

"As I've said before, thank you."

Ian placed the white towel on the floor and rubbed it around in the floor. Before I could ask what he was doing, he used the towel to grab the knife and cut his hand.

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