chapter 4

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"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light" -Helen Keller


The morning after, I woke up with a terrible headache. I didn't drink that much last night so maybe this was because of stress from what happened. I got up and made up the bed. After that, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth  and then i took a bath. I wore my usual get up, a white blouse and a long skirt. I knew Jack wasn't here anymore but I was used of wearing these clothes so changing style never really occurred in my mind. Besides, all I had were these kinds of clothing. Nancy and Annie already prepared the breakfast when I went downstairs.

"Good morning Nancy, Good morning Annie!" I greeted them cheerfully.

"Good morning too Carina" they chanted in unison. I was a frequenter in this house so I felt comfortable around them and vice versa.

"Where is Christine?" I asked them and sat on the chair.

"She's still in bed. You know, it's Sunday. She will be up later so just eat without her" Nancy said. She was the nanny of Christine since she was a baby. She was so loyal to them that she never thought of leaving them for another work. Christine considers her as her second mom. As for Annie, she was the daughter of Nancy. She works here while studying. The family of Christine pays her tuition fee. She insisted of working with her mom when she was not in school to repay their kindness.

"Okay. I need to go out early today. I can't wait for her to get up. Please inform her that I am going to meet Gian" I said and started eating.


I went to the church to attend a mass and to meet with my friend Gian. I met him when I was 15. He was a transfer student in our school. Compared to the other guys, he was so kind and gentle. He was the only guy that I could trust during those times when I was living in agony. I wasn't allowed to talk to guys before but when I was at school, I could hang out together with him because my stepfather wasn't around. He is my guy bestfriend while Christine is my girl bestfriend.

After the mass, my eyes wandered around, trying to find Gian. Then I saw him talking to a nun. I waited for them to finish talking then I approached him.

"hey! How you doin'?" I said and pat him on the shoulder.

"Hi Cari! I'm good. What about you? Are you okay now? It's been a while" he kissed me on my cheek and he sat on a pew then pulled my hand, signaling me to sit next to him. I feel so calm when I am with him. I feel like he is my brother.

"Yeah. After what know, it's difficult but I am fine now" I felt my throat suddenly tightened. Gian noticed that and held my hand.

"You okay?" he asked, staring at me with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. So, what were you and Sister Angelina discussing a while ago?" I said to avoid the topic.

"hmm...Nothing. It's just about my plans regarding an event at Saint Peter's Orphanage."

This is one of the things I like the most about him. He is rich but he knows how to share his blessings to the less fortunate.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked him trying my best to lighten my mood.

"Okay. Let's eat first. I don't really have anything in mind so it's up to you where we go next" and we went out of the church.

After our lunch, we decided to go to an arcade and we played to our hearts content. We were like kids who were competing to each other with each game. We laughed at each other's mistakes. It's been a while since I felt this kind of happiness and I was so grateful to him. When we got tired of playing, we went to the cinema to watch a movie.


It's already 5pm when I got home. Christine was upset of me for leaving her but I explained it to her that it was her fault she woke up late. I gave her the sans rival cake that I bought in Goldilocks and her mood lightened up. I was expecting that she would be upset of me so I bought her favorite. Being her best friend, I knew her weakness. I liked seeing her happy like that. She was like a kid sometimes but in a cute way.

"Since you went on your way to buy me my favorite, I forgive you." She went to the kitchen in a hurry. She put the box on the kitchen island and unboxed it excitedly.

"Hey, you should probably eat that after dinner or else you won't have an appetite to eat a proper meal". I said but she was so excited she already sliced a portion and put in on a small plate and started eating.

"Since this is your peace offering to me, I won't share it to you" she said playfully.

"Sure. I especially bought it for you so it's all yours, my lady" she laughed and cut another slice and then gave it to me. I knew it, she's going to share it with me. I preferred to eat it after dinner but seeing how she was eating it heartily, I gave in to my craving and ate.

After dinner, I left Christine at the living room. She's busy watching a movie. I didn't really like the movie she was watching so I went to my room and worked on my laptop. I was searching for any jobs available on the internet. I will be graduating soon and I wanted to find an office job, which was related to my course. I earned a little bit of money through teaching Piano and guitar lessons. I may not be good in singing and dancing but playing these instruments was my passion, it's what I'm good at. I started learning how to play these 2 instruments when I was still a kid. My mom made me took lessons. 

At first, I didn't really appreciate nor enjoyed it, maybe because I was still a little kid, but as I was growing up, I learned to love it. Right now, I work at a small music school. It's fun teaching kids how to play instruments but I know sooner or later, I need to find another job. It's not that bad working in this kind of job, it's cool actually, I get to do what I love but I also need to use what I learned in school.

My mom left me money but it's not that big amount of money. I decided not to touch it yet for future plans. I was planning to find my own apartment as soon as I find a job. Christine told me I could stay in here for as long I like but I knew I must learn to be independent. The thing that I've been longing to do before. I sent my resumé to all the job vacancies that I saw.


"Tin! I am going ahead of you if you're not yet ready. I don't want to be late in school" I shouted while knocking on her door. She opened the door, still combing her hair.

"You don't like being late, do you? Don't worry, it's our last day in school today. It's not that big of a deal if we're late"

"Even so. That's not enough reason to be late. C'mon, hurry up and let's go".

She hurriedly picked up her bag and car keys and we went out of the house. Luckily she has a car. I was taking the bus before from our house and it took me at least 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to our school so I needed to wake up early. Now that I live here, I don't have to worry about missing the bus. We go to the same school so that's a convenient for me.

After Christine parked her car, we got out and started to walk to our classrooms. Then I spotted Gian, who was happily approaching us.

"Hey girls! Let's walk together to class." He happily said and walk alongside us.

"Hi Gian. What's your plan after graduation?" Christine said and looked at Gian.

"I will be joining our company soon after graduation. I can't believe we're already graduating. Time sure flies. What about you guys?"

"Well it's the same for me. This sucks! Our school fun will end soon" Christine answered. Her tone has a hint of sadness.

"As for me, I will be doing an intense job hunting unlike you guys"

"Why don't you work in our company?" Gian offered

"Okay I'll apply if there are vacancies" I answered. Our conversation was cut short when we reached our classroom. We immediately sat because our teacher has arrived.

***This is rather a short update but i hope you still like it***

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