chapter 18

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." -Victor Hugo 

****WARNING!!!! This chapter has a mature content! read at your own risk! for 18 years old and above!****


Before we went home, we had our dinner in a French restaurant. I kept on checking my phone and I felt disappointed every time I look at it and there was no message from Regan. Ellie kept on glancing at me but she didn't say anything. When we got to their house, Mrs. Novell happily greeted us. She was at the living room watching a French series.

"Bonsoir chérie, bonsoir Carina" She greeted before kissing us both in the cheeks. Like Ellie, I feel comfortable around her mom. We greeted her back.

"So how's your day ladies?" She said and motioned us to sit on the sofa with her.

"We had a blast. Carina is really a nice girl" Ellie answered lively.

"That's good then. Regan and I arrived an hour ago" I tilted my head and looked around us hoping Regan would be there but I didn't see him. I've missed him so much. It was crazy because I just saw him yesterday. Maybe a person in love is really like this.

"Where is he Mrs. Novell?" I asked shyly. I don't know why but I suddenly felt embarrass in front of his mom.

"He went out again. He has another emergency meeting" She smiled at me and tapped my shoulder. 

Her stare was like telling me she already knew about my relationship with his son. I nodded my head and told them that I would just go to my room to freshen up.

After taking a bath, I went to check my phone again hoping for his text but there was nothing. I began to feel anxious. He never texted me the entire day. Did he even remember me? Miss me like I miss him?

I decided to send him a message but after I typed a short message, I decided to cancel it. Maybe he was just busy, I told to myself. I didn't go down to talk to Ellie and her mother. I was just on my bed, staring at my phone until I fell asleep.

"I'm sorry. I need to leave you. I am not the right guy for you" Regan said as he stared at me. 

Unshed tears were visible in his eyes. My chest tightened. I could see he was also hurt of what he was saying. I tried to touch his cheek but he stepped backwards, avoiding my touch. I began to cry. My heart hurts. I clutched my chest, as if trying to lessen the pain by touching it but the pain was only increasing.

"Please, don't leave me. I need you. I love you" I said and ran towards him. 

I embraced him tightly. My body was trembling of fear. Fear of losing him. I felt him hugged me back, kissed my forehead and whispered something I didn't comprehend. Then his arms loosened around me. I saw him crying before he turned his back away from me. 

I screamed for his name but my voice wouldn't come out. I saw his back slowly getting far away from me. I ran after him but every step I took only made him quickly disappear from me. I fell on my knees and screamed for him to come back.

"Regan! Come baaaaack!"

I woke up with a wet pillow. I sat up and touched my cheeks and they were also wet from my tears. I looked at the wall clock and it was still 5:30 am. Then I remembered my dream and I panicked. I quickly went out of my room and went to his room. I banged on his door and when no one opened after a minute of knocking, I began to cry. Where is he?! Did he leave me?

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