chapter 17

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  "Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love"- Mother Teresa 


"Tell me about you. I want to know everything" he said and intertwined our fingers together.

"hmmm...I grew up with my mom. At first we were happy even though it was just the two of us. But when she married my step father Jack, our lives became hell. He made us suffer and worst of all he...he...Oh I hate him!" I felt my anger risen as I recalled what my stepfather did to my mom. He felt my body tensed and turned me around. He stared at me curiously but I evaded his gaze.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it right now. I don't want to ruin this moment" I hugged him and he hugged me back. All the tremors inside me faded as I felt his warmth. His presence was so calming and safe. Like he was promising something with his embrace.

"Okay. If you're not ready yet then I won't force you" He whispered and kissed my forehead. I smiled inwardly.

"Do you want to dine out here or in the house? It's already 8pm" He asked as he gazed at his wrist watch.

"I think it's better if we just eat somewhere. I'm already starving" I answered. We went down the tower and ate at the Japanese restaurant where Gian and I dined before. When I told him Gian and I ate there, he wanted to go somewhere else but I protested. I liked the food there. He had a scrunched face when we entered but I managed to make him smile.


After our dinner, we went home. When we entered the house, Ellie was waiting for us in the living room. She greeted us but her expression was serious.

"What's the matter Ellie? I don't like that expression on your face" his voice was equally serious as he gaze at his sister.

"Can we talk?" Ellie demanded her brother and he nodded.

"Go upstairs. I will be there when we finish here" he said to me and kissed me on the lips. I hesitantly left them alone and went to my room. I could sense that Ellie has something she wanted to tell me but her brother was preventing her from doing so.


I woke up as I heard someone knocking on my door. I quickly got up and excitedly opened the door, thinking that it was Regan. But the smiling face of Ellie greeted me.

"Good morning! I hope I didn't disturb your sleep. I just want to ask you if you could accompany me somewhere. Regan left to Cannes for business. He told me to be with you today on his behalf" I frowned of what she just said. He left without saying anything to me?

"Why didn't he bring me with him? I am his EA after all" her expression changed for a second but then her happy expression came back.

"Don't worry about him. Maybe he didn't want to disturb your sleep. It was an emergency meeting so he couldn't tell you about it yesterday" I felt disappointed that I didn't see him before he left. Last night, he didn't go to my room after his talk to his sister. I waited for him until I fell asleep. I was a little bit uneasy thinking about what happened last night. I had the feeling that whatever they talked about, I was involved with it. I invited her in and she sat on the settee.

"Ellie, can I ask you something?" I asked her and sat at the corner of the bed. I could see that she became uneasy as she avoided my gaze.

"S-sure. About what?"

"Is there any problem? I could feel that there was something wrong ever since the day you saw me and your brother kissing. Is it something about me and your brother?" I asked directly and I almost confirmed it the way her face reacted to what I said. She stood and started pacing the floor.

She's mine, exclusively mine (COMPLETED)(Published Under PSICOM Pub.)Where stories live. Discover now