chapter 10

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  "There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." - Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever  


1 month have passed quickly and I began to enjoy my work. Yes, he kept on throwing many tasks at me but I did my best to fulfill them. One thing that I noticed about him was he was the silent type. He doesn't like to be disturbed when working. The work was always stressful but the thing that make me irritated was the phone kept on ringing and most of them were from his 'blocked list'. I was already out of alibis and I was beginning to wonder what they wanted from him.

I was busy typing something on the computer when the telephone rang again. I heaved a frustrated sigh and answered politely.

"Hello, this is Bayleaf Corporation. How may I help you?"

"Tell your boss that I want to see him right now!" The girl said with an angry voice and loud, as if I was a deaf person.

"May I know your name ma'am?"

"Tell him it's Tiffany!" she answered curtly. The name was familiar and when I checked the list, she was one of the 'unwanted' people of Mr. Novell.

"Sorry Ms. Tiffany but Mr. Novell is quite busy. I will make sure to deliver your message to him"

"Make sure you tell him if not I will go there personally" then she hang up.

I pressed the intercom to talk to Mr. Novell.


"May I come in sir? I need to give you the report for the GQ Company project."

"Okay". I gathered all the papers and went to his office.


"Mr. Romano Vargas cancelled the meeting with you. He said, he couldn't fly over here because of an important matter. The business deal is also off" I said after I gave him the papers.

"What?! Damn! He's really an eccentric person. Cancel all my meetings the entire week next week. Get ready too, I need you to be with me. We need to fly to France next week" I was surprised of what I heard. Then I remembered that it was Christine's birthday on next Wednesday.

"For how many days sir? Is it really necessary for me to come?" I asked reluctantly, hoping that I could still attend her birthday.

"I told you, it's for a week so cancel all your plans or dates and of course you are absolutely needed there as my EA". He answered dismissively and I didn't have the courage to ask another question.


"What?! You can't attend my birthday party?" Christine's voice was so disappointed. I just finished explaining her about my flight to France with my boss.

"Sorry Tin. You know if I have another choice, I will be here for your birthday. But you know that it's for my job."

"That Reg! I hate him! I bet he didn't even remember about my birthday next week!" She got up from the settee, stomping her feet like a child. I hugged her from behind. I knew she was upset.

"I'm sorry Tin. I will make it up to you. Okay?"

"What else could I do? Your business trip was already finalized" her voice mellowed but the disappointment was still there.


Monday morning. I woke up early because our flight would be at 7 am. Mr. Novell told me I could wear casual clothes today so I dressed the way I like it.

She's mine, exclusively mine (COMPLETED)(Published Under PSICOM Pub.)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum