Chapter Three: Tears On My Pillow

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"Don't tell," Izzy whispered, fear suddenly trumping her hurt for the moment. "Please, Maria! Don't tell."

It was no use. Maria bolted from the doorway, her socks skidding across the tile as she flew into the living room.

Izzy pulled her knees to her chest, lowered her head, and prayed she would just vanish into thin air. The next seconds felt like hours. She shook in trepidation, listening for the dreaded footsteps that were sure to come—and they did.

"Izzy, tell me this isn't true!" Her mother's panicked voice crashed down on her.

Izzy squeezed her eyes shut and whispered into her knees. "It's true."

"Get up!" Her mother's voice cracked with anguish.

Izzy suddenly felt numb, like she was in a dream. She struggled to her feet, gripping the wall for support.

A stinging slap brought her back to her senses when she stood. Her mother's ice-cold stare locked on her. Izzy slumped back, bringing her hand to her hot cheek.

"How could you!" Her mother spat, tears forming in her eyes. "How could you do this to yourself—to us!"

"I'm sorry, Mama! I'm so sorry," Izzy sobbed.

Her father stepped in, his expression grim. "You'll get married then. You've given yourself no choice now."

Her father was a fixer. But it wasn't going to be an easy fix. Izzy's heart fell even further. "Daddy—he won't marry me."

Her father's eyes blazed. "What?"

He stepped forward and she flinched, shielding her face.

"Only a few hours ago you were talking about getting married," her mother said. "Of course he's going to marry you. He has no choice with a baby on the way."

Izzy slumped against the wall. The shame was too much to bear. Heaving sobs gripped her body, taking the rest of her words away from her.

Her mother burst into tears and ran away. Maria, who'd been watching with wide eyes the whole time, followed after her, a bewildered look on her face.

Her father bent and picked up the handset from the floor. The expression on his face was one Izzy had never seen before. With calculated movements, he pressed the handset onto the phone base on the wall, then picked it up again.

"What are you doing?" Izzy's voice was weak, a new level of dread sweeping over her.

Her father's large finger spun the numbers around the dial with a little more force than necessary. His eyes didn't leave the dial. "I'm calling Donny's parents," he said, his voice laced with anger.

Izzy held her breath. She could hear the phone ring in the handset. Please don't answer, she prayed silently, crumpling up a fist full of her dress in her hands.

"Hello, Barrett Residence?" Izzy heard Donny's mother answer cheerfully after the second ring.

Her father cleared his throat. "Clara, this is Patrick. I'd like to talk to you and George about something that's—come up, concerning Isadora and Donny. If you'd kindly stop by today—anytime really—I'd like to discuss it in person."

There was a long pause behind the handset that sent Izzy's stomach twisting into knots. A lump formed so large in her throat, she feared she wouldn't be able to breath.

Her father's eyes were positively furious as he waited for her response, tapping his foot impatiently on the tile floor.

Finally, her voice came again, this time with a hint of annoyance. "If this is about your daughter's indiscretion, I won't have you pulling Donny into it. He's already informed me of her looseness—when it comes to boys. I understand her predicament, and the need to pin it on someone, but it won't be my Donny."

Her father's face flushed red with rage, his hand gripping the handset murderously. "Now see here!" he exploded into the phone. " I won't allow you to say those things about my daughter! You and I both know that she and Donny have been dating for over a year!" His hand tightened around the receiver so hard, Izzy thought it would crack. " Your son is just taking the coward's way out, and you know it!"

Another long pause. Izzy leaned forward, scared to breathe.

"Don't you come here looking to dump your problems on us, Patrick Twiss!" The voice on the other line hissed. "Maybe if you had a better handle on that girl in the first place, this wouldn't have happened!"

"I see how it's going to be," her father growled, and slammed down the handset—shaking the entire house.

His eyes settled on Izzy, who cowered back in fear at the pure rage brewing in them. "Go to your room," he spoke in a soft, calculated voice. "And stay there."


Izzy pushed her head into her pillow, surrounded in steamy, hot tears. Donny didn't love her. Her parents were ashamed of her. In one horrific day, her life was in ruins.

Sorting through the prior night's events, she tried to make some sense out of Donny's rejection. Maybe it was her fault. She shouldn't have pushed him—he wasn't ready. She should have waited.

But then, his mother's cold words swirled in her head. Had Donny told his mother those lies? Or, worse yet, did he believe them? Hurt consumed her whole body, every inch of it raw and aching. Her traitorous mind was like a broken movie reel, replaying the same scenes over and over regardless of how much they hurt each time.

His sweet words from the night before lashed at her heart like knives. Had he already made his decision when he'd laid her down in the woods? Everything he'd said had been a lie—empty promises, fueled by nothing but lust. She slammed her fists down hard on her mattress as anger temporarily replaced heartache, screaming with all her might into her pillow.

Eventually, she exhausted herself and drifted off, finding some welcome peace in sleep. A sharp knock on her door jerked her awake. Feeling weighed down and awful, she struggled out of bed.

Her parents stepped in, both looking solemn. Her father's eyes were tired and red. Her mother walked halfway into the room and stood stiffly, her arms folded tightly across her chest, avoiding Izzy's gaze.

"Izzy." Her father faltered, his eyes softening as she met his gaze. "We went to see Father Thomas. We discussed your—situation with him. In confidence, of course. He knows of a place you can go for awhile. A place you can have the baby, and keep it a secret."

The blood drained from Izzy's cheeks. She'd heard rumors of places that girls disappeared to. She'd even heard whisperings that girls never returned from those places. A chill spread up her back. "Daddy, please."

"Isadora," her mother snapped. "Don't be ignorant. You can't stay here." Her eyes flipped to Izzy's stomach, an expression of disgust forming on her face. "You can't have that baby here. An illegitimate child, with no father—no support."


"Not to mention the shame you'd be bringing on yourself and your family. You'll go to this place and you'll have the baby. We'll tell everyone that you've fallen ill, and that you've gone to the countryside with a relative to recover. When it's over, you can come back home."

She made it sound so simple—like it would be a holiday. She'd just travel off to a strange place, leaving everything she knew behind, and have her baby—alone. Then, she'd come back and carry on, as if nothing ever happened.

"Izzy, it's for your own good." Her father put a hand on her shoulder. His voice softened. "There's really no other way, darling."

Izzy closed her eyes, tears rolling off her lashes. "When? When do I have to leave?"

"Tomorrow." Her mother's voice was cold as ice as she turned and left the room.  

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