Chapter Twenty-Six: Earth Angel

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Mara was raised an only child. She'd grown up in a sprawling mansion on the outskirts of Chicago with all of the things a little girl could ask for. But it lacked the one thing that every girl needed, love.

She had been her mother and father's prized possession.The ginger haired little girl with two perfect braids down her back. She was the talk of every dinner party; the envy of every rich, elderly couple who had waited too long to conceive, or whose children had grown and left them alone.

Growing up, crystal and china surrounded her every meal. Vast, polished marble floors led to empty rooms that served no purpose. In her childhood home, everything had its place, nothing was out of order. All of her dolls set in a line high up on the shelf, only to be looked at, not to be touched. There was no room for mistakes in her home. No room for failures.

As a child she'd always felt that she was on display. Every birthday party was a grand, orchestrated affair solely for the benefit of her parents. All of their friends came and marveled at the fabulous decorations and extravagant gifts they bestowed on their beloved daughter.

"You're such a lucky girl!" they exclaimed.

Her schoolmates thought the same. Only they didn't know what truly went on in her house when the show was over and she was left struggling to please two parents who were cold as ice.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she watched Dottie sleep. The little girl's face looked so peaceful. She could only hope that Dottie found some happiness in her dreams.

Standing up, she paced the small room. Her heart beating fast.

She would always remember that night. Her mother's twisted face, right before she slapped her, was forever etched in her mind.

"You little whore!" her father had screamed, his voice roaring across the marble walls, rattling the china. "You worthless little whore!"

"My god, you're just like your mother!" her mother had wailed. "After all we've done, everything we've given you! It was all for nothing!"

It had taken her a minute to register her mother's words that awful night when they found out she was pregnant. She'd been adopted. Her mother and father had hand picked her shortly after her birth. They'd wanted a perfect baby to complete their perfect home. Not much different than a flowered scarf to match a blouse. Or frilly curtains to accent a room.

They'd dismissed her after that night. A few days later they'd dropped her off at a home for unwed mothers. She'd found out later that it was the same home that her mother had delivered her. She'd been returned, like a damaged good.

When it was all over and she was ready to leave, she was handed a letter. A few cold sentences were etched on the page in her mother's elegant handwriting.

Dear Mara,

This letter is to inform you that you are no longer welcome in our home. You've chosen your path and we wish you well.

The Carringtons

Enclosed was one hundred dollars. The sum of what she was worth. In just months she'd lost everything she'd ever know and a baby she'd never know.

She'd worked hard to pull herself out of the dark, horrible place that her life became after that. She'd boarded a train to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Far enough away that her past couldn't follow her. For weeks she'd lived in shelters as she looked for jobs to support herself. As time wore on, her desperation became so great she considered working the streets like some of the other girls who stayed there. As if by divine intervention, a kind hearted nun took her under her wing, helping her get into nursing school and a job at the hospital delivering meals.

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