Chapter Twenty-One: All Shook Up

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August 1952

St. Mary's Home for Unwed Mothers

Two months had passed since Rita left St. Mary's Home for Unwed Mothers and returned home to her parents. Izzy wasn't given an opportunity to tell her goodbye. The day that she left the home, Mara stopped them in the hall and let them know. The three girls watched Rita, their faces pressed to the window at the top of the stairs, as she walked slowly to the awaiting car below. Izzy's throat tightened as the top of her dark head disappeared through the passenger door. It shut behind her with finality, leaving Izzy wondering if they would ever cross paths again. Although she'd only known Rita for a short time, there was no denying the sisterhood that had formed between the two of them.

Although the happy memories of her rendezvous with Wes were etched permanently into her mind, ready to grab in her time of need, her days grew darker with Rita's departure. It was bad enough that Izzy had been taken from her family. Now, she was losing the girls she'd come to love, one by one.

Her stomach had grown from a barely noticeable lump to a tight ball that pushed at her ribs, taking her breath away everytime she moved. The baby had sprouted out of nowhere, kicking furiously at her insides, demanding attention. When she laid in bed at night, she could see its limbs trail across her stretched stomach; a fascinating, yet eery sight that stirred up emotions she quickly tried to stuff deep down where they belonged. She was seven months along. Childbirth loomed terrifyingly close. The clock was ticking, leading all of the girls to the fateful day when, they too, would endure labor and birth a baby that they'd never have the opportunity to love.

Gloria was nine months and miserable, her face and legs swollen horribly. The more her body changed, the angrier she became, until she'd become almost unbearable to be around her. Her resolve was fading as fast as her figure. She hadn't tried to escape since her last encounter with Sister Mary Thomas, as if she'd finally resigned to her fate at Saint Mary's Home for Unwed Mothers.

The four of them, Izzy, Gloria, Dottie, and Francine, were climbing the stairs on the way back to the dormitory, when Gloria started to leak. She stopped mid step, frozen, the color draining out of her face as the clear liquid trailed from under her dress, down her legs to the wooden stair. Her green eyes widened as she stared down at the puddle forming below her.

"Oh god," whispered Dottie behind her, eyes locked on the wet stair, hands covering her mouth. "Oh god."

"Gloria, you're water's broken! " Francine exclaimed.

Izzy watched as the liquid pooled onto the stair beneath the shocked girl then trickled down to the one below. An image of Rita standing in the dormitory with blood gathering beneath her dress leapt before her eyes. She fought against the panic spreading through her chest. "We need to get Mara."

"For heaven's sake!" Gloria hissed, turning on them. Despite the anger in her voice, her eyes were bursting with fear. "Stop staring and do something!"

"Come along," said Izzy, grabbing her arm. "You have to get to the infirmary."

Gloria fought her grip, but gave in. They turned and headed back down the stairs, her face blazing red with a combination of embarrassment and irritation.Two chattering girls gave them nervous looks as they passed. Gloria's scowl set them on a fast pace up the stairs.

When they reached the landing, Izzy looked back to see Dottie was still frozen on the stairs. Her blue eyes shone with tears as she gapped down at them, white knuckles gripping the railing. It dawned on her that, like Gloria, the little girl was nine months along. Any day she would be in Gloria's shoes.

"Francine, can you take Dottie back to the room?" she asked the tall girl who was tromping along at her side.

Francine nodded, giving her a knowing look. She made her way back up the stairs and took the little girl's hand. At six foot two, Francine was giant for a woman. Her rough features made many perceive her as callous and rude. Izzy had quickly realized that she was a gentle giant. It was a shame that her looks prevented many from seeing the kind person that she was.

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