Chapter Twenty-Nine: Baby Talk

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Laying on her side in the little white-walled room alone, Izzy tried to convince herself that once it was over she could forget all of it ever happened. She'd come to the end of her journey. It would all be over soon. She could go back to the girl she used to be.

Her stomach cramped and tightened, narrowing her thoughts to nothing but her present, horrifying predicament. She was in labor. There was no turning back. It was like being on a rollercoaster at the top of a huge hill. Despite her wish to exit the vehicle, the straps held her down and she knew she couldn't stop it.

Where was Mara? She'd run to fetch the doctor at least half an hour ago. She took a deep breath, trying to focus all of her energy on keeping calm. She had to fight to wrestle with the panic that was fighting to take over her body. She couldn't lose control.

"My, you don't look well," a familiar voice trailed from behind her.

She turned, her heart leaping. "Gloria!"

Gloria's usual smug expression softened at the relief in Izzy's voice. "So it's your turn, I guess," she said, for lack of better words.

"How did you know I was here?" Izzy said, glad for the distraction. "Did Mara tell you? And where is she? Do you know?"

"We've stirred up a lot of trouble out there," said Gloria, a gleam in her eye. "There are police and everything. It makes my head spin, I haven't seen a man in months! I heard Sister Mary Helen say something about a news reporter on his way here now. It will make a sensational story, don't you think?"

Izzy's stomach turned, which set off a contraction. It was a while before she could speak. "Sister Martha didn't tell then?"

"No, but she looks like she'll keel over at any moment," said Gloria, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. "It serves her right. Serves them all right. Now they're the ones trembling in their boots. The tables are turned. They're scrambling about up there, panicking. Once this gets out, this wretched home will be in a whole lot of trouble."

Izzy couldn't join in Gloria's delight. Police? A reporter? This was getting much bigger than she'd expected. What if Sister Martha cracked? A foul tasting bile crept up her throat. Her chest began to burn with an intensity that made her want to vomit.

"I just wanted her to be safe," she choked. "I didn't know that all of this would happen. We could all go to jail for this if they find out."

Gloria rolled her eyes. "Not me." She sniffed, throwing her nose in the air in her characteristic way. "I'll be long gone when the dust clears."

Izzy, propped herself up on her elbow, giving her a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

Gloria brushed her golden curls back from her eyes. "With all of the chaos going on right now, I don't believe anyone will be watching as I exit this living hell," she said in a dry voice. "As an added benefit, they will have lost not one, but two girls from Saint Mary's Home for Unwed Mothers. And that may be all that's needed to shut this place down for good." Her eyes flashed with hatred.

Izzy stared at her, her chest burning with intensity. "Gloria, you can't! You need to stay here until you're released! How will you get off the island? Where will you go?"

"I won't be anyone's servant," hissed Gloria. "I came to say goodbye." She blinked and her eyes sparkled with tears before she turned her head. "And...I hope you will get through this and have a great life."

"Gloria, think this through," said Izzy. "How will you get to the ferry dressed like that? Then what will you do? You live miles away from here!"

"I've already taken care of that," said Gloria, lifting up her gray dress to reveal a cheery blue one underneath. "And I'm not going home. I'm going to Hollywood. Michigan is no place for a girl like me. I've been cooped up in this awful place long enough. I'm going to live by the beach, the sun! I'm going to rub elbows with Elvis and Lucy and Sinatra!"

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