Chapter Sixteen: Beautiful Lies

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As soon as she hit the clearing, and the lake breeze swept over her face, Izzy's elation turned sour. What was she doing? The rapid beating of her heart revealed that there was more there than simply saying thank you to the man who'd saved her from drowning. She was excited to see him.

She froze in her tracks, biting her lip as she focused on the lake in front of her. She was pregnant. Tainted. Unwanted. A black fly bit her leg, and she winced, swatting at it. Straightening, she ran a hand through her wind tossed hair, sucking in a breath in order to steady her pounding heart. Think Izzy, think. You've felt this all before. I didn't work then, and it won't work now.

She turned and took a step back into the woods, anger and hurt flooding her thoughts. Hadn't this whole situation taught her anything? Here she was, bouncing back towards the first man she saw like a desperate little fool. She couldn't afford to be a fool again.

She walked slowly back the way she'd come, kicking at a root that protruded from the ground. It was hard to turn around. Her body felt like it was made of lead as she tromped back towards the home. She'd been so happy the whole day, she just wanted the feeling to stay.

A faint voice carried over to her, stopping her in her tracks. She turned, listening, trying to discern it from the waves lapping on the shore. A male voice. She tilted her head. He was singing, his voice lilting over the waves as if they were an accompaniment. Despite the voice of common sense urging her to go back the way she'd come, her feet carried her towards the beach. Standing once again where the sand began, she could hear him more clearly.

It was beautiful. So full of emotions—though she couldn't pick up any of the words. She stepped out further on the beach. Just to hear it better, she told herself. It was him, and he was closer, maybe fifty feet away, strolling down the beach towards her, his tall figure framed by the sun. Oh no. What was she doing? He'd see her!

She stepped back, wavering between the sand and the woods. A thrill of excitement ran up and down her spine. She should go back.

All of the sudden, the singing stopped. She stood in the shadows for a moment, waiting to see whether or not it would start again.

"Are you going to run away again?" chuckled the man from behind her.

Izzy snapped around, a strangled scream halfway escaping her lips. He must have seen her peer out at him and run across the beach to find her. He stood, trying to catch his breath, his hands on his knees.

Looking a bit sheepish as he saw her startled face, he managed a soft smile. "Didn't mean to scare you. It's just...I've been wondering if I'd see you again before I left. I couldn't believe it when I looked up and there you were."

"Yes, well, here I am." The words just rolled out before she could stop them. She was desperately trying to avoid his chestnut eyes. Something told her that just one look would draw her in further than she wanted to go. She couldn't help but notice how tall and lean he was as he straightened in front of her. He had a rougher look than the preppy boys who'd studied at her high school. She imagined he was a few years older as well.

"Yes, here we are again." He shifted from one foot to the other and blew out a breath, running a hand through his hair. Izzy wondered if he was instantly regretting his impulsive decision to run over to her. He seemed to struggle with what to say next.

"I never got your name," he said after a few awkward seconds.

Her mind drawn to the maternity home looming behind her, Izzy debated on whether or not to tell him her real name. "It's Isadora," she said finally. "Most call me Izzy."

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