Rewind I: Enter - Sarada Uchiha!

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I swear to god, if that has to happen every time...



After opening her eyes, the Uchiha let out a little gasp when she realized she was standing right in the middle of an awfully familiar place.

It was a hot summer day and the streets of Konoha were packed as always. As she stood in awe, she watched as the store-owners gathered and roamed about, organizing their goods and interacting with the customers. The smell of fresh ramen and red bean taiyaki wafted itself through her nose and she took a brief moment to take in the wonderful scent that reminded her of the future Konoha that she lived in.

Her gaze was set on the moving people around her. Before she began to walk, she noticed something stabbing against her side when she took a step forward.

Looking down and reaching inside of the pocket of her pants, she grabbed hold of a tiny, small miniature scroll, similar to the one she had opened back in the storage room. Inside her pockets was also a bracelet-type of device, although it was very thin but thick on one side and seemed like a normal piece of jewelry.

It kind of reminded her of the time where Boruto got in trouble for using some kind of scientific device in the Chuunin exams.

The ninja weapons team in Konoha must have something to do with the development of the time travel technique. The bracelet and tiny scroll must be how she could change in between time-points.

Ah. She'll figure it out later. Sarada shoved the small scroll back into her pocket and quickly slipped on the small metal bracelet and began to walk, allured by the liveliness of her hometown.

It was to her understanding that after the fourth great ninja war, the Leaf Village had been rebuilt due to the severe repercussions. But she was surprised as to how much of it remained exactly the same as before. A few of the building designs have changed, and some of the shops have been shifted around. Nevertheless, it still had the usual Konoha vibe.

The Uchiha continued to pace herself around her town, smiling and giggling at the individual interactions she witnessed between the citizens.

She was about to make her way around the corner when all of a sudden, her forehead smacked right against someone else's. They impacted hard against eachother at the corner of the street, resulting in a heavy recoil.

It felt like she had just been hit by a boulder. "Hey!" Sarada yells, clutching her forehead in pain from the power of the contact. "What's with you!?"

"Ouch...Sorry Sorry! I'm on a very important mission right now."

Huh. This voice seemed rather familiar. The Uchiha slowly opened one of her eyes and recognizes a familiar blue-eyed face with blonde hair, wearing an orange jumpsuit. It was basically a mini version of Uncle Naruto.

A grin crept up on her face as she watched him shift his eyes from side to side suspiciously, as if he was searching for somebody.

"Naruto!" She exclaimed, greeting her Uncle- er, younger version of her Uncle in excitement.

"Eh?" Naruto was caught by surprise. He stared at Sarada suspiciously, leaning into her with narrowed eyes. "How do you know my name?"

"Um.." Sarada hesitated, shifting her gaze in panic. "I've heard your name around."

Almost immediately, Naruto's expression turned prideful. "Ehehe, no wonder! It's because I'm the greatest ninja of the Leaf Village and also the future Hokage!"

You are, Uncle Naruto. Ditzy, but an amazing Hokage. Sarada smiles at him.

"Hey Hey, where are you from?" The blonde inquires, looking her up and down in hopes to find a clue about her origins. "And what's your name?"

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