Rewind IV: Home

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Sarada peered skeptically at the scenery around her. Much to her dismay, it wasn't really what she expected. She had arrived in the midst of a rocky road along a flat plateau of land surrounded by an abundance of trees along the distance. She was rather confused, as the area gave no clue on where she had landed.

And the joyful part was, it was raining. Spit-hard rain in the middle of nowhere. Who knows where the people or buildings were. Nevertheless, her first instinct was to find her way back to the Leaf Village. As hard as that was going to be, she decided to try her best to ignore how wet her clothes had already gotten from standing in the same spot for only a few seconds. So, she started to run as fast as she could.

It wasn't long before nearly half an hour had passed, and she still wasn't getting anywhere remotely acceptable for her to take cover. Honestly, at this point, screw finding the village. It was cold, she was hungry, and her body was practically getting numb. She couldn't even feel herself running anymore, and it seemed like the scenery hadn't even changed no matter how hard she did. If she didn't come across anything soon, she was afraid she'd die before she would make it back home.

Suddenly, she felt a slight presence of chakra storming up from behind her. She must've failed to notice it sooner, but it didn't have a nice aura.

Just when she managed to turn her head around, she widened her eyes as her peripheral vision caught sight of someone right behind her, a giant fist in the air ready to knock her out. Summoning up all the energy she had despite her current condition, she twisted herself around and dodged their attack, jumping into the air and landing smoothly on the rocky road with a thud.

She kept a considerable distance, taking note of the unfamiliar man in front of her. He was a rather large individual, probably two times her size, and for some reason he had a defiant look on his face.

"Who are you!?" She waited for an answer. Just then, a devious smirk crept up on the man's face, and she realized that he wasn't finished. Suddenly, she took notice of someone else standing at a distance behind her. When she looked back, it was a thinner man with bad hair, and he already had his hands in a configuration. Shit.

"Next target, captured." The thin man said, earning a nod of approval from the wider man, though her attention was fixed on the more recent enemy.

Sarada let out a tiny gasp from surprise. In nearly half a second, her entire body was wrapped in a long chakra rope that extended from the ground underneath the man to up her body.

She could feel him tightening onto the rope, which only made her weaker in combination from the numbness of the cold and how tired she was. Her head was starting to spin as she felt like her total body circulation and chakra storage were being cut off and drained. Shit, I can't-

However, just when she felt like she was going to give in, a rapid figure had raced by her face in the blink of an eye, going from one place to the next in a flash. Sarada blinked multiple times, trying to get her vision in tact. The next thing she knew, the two men were on the ground, screaming and clutching the wet dirt of the earth.

"N-No! NO! HELP!" One of them screamed, although she ran her gaze at the two of them again, only to see that nothing was wrong with them. "I-It's him." The other one said.

Sarada felt the chakra rope release itself around her until it dissipated completely. To her curiosity, she turned to the side to see "him". And to her surprise, her jaw was left wide open to see her father standing before her.

Suddenly, she knew that she was definitely not home. She knew because his hair wasn't as long as the way she remembered it, and although he still had his long bangs that covered half of his face, the rest of his hair was still spiky in the back and didn't reach his shoulders. His facial features also looked slightly younger. The one familiar thing was that he was dressed in all black with the same long cape he always wore, though his clothes were of a different pair.

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