Rewind III: You, Who Gave It All (Pt.1)

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"Be careful..."

"It's fine. Naruto may be Hokage, but he can still be an idiot."

Sasuke and Sakura snuck their way into the safe room of the Hokage's confidential building, the pink-haired girl making sure no one was roaming the hall outside before giving the door a nice quiet shut. She turned around after locking it behind her, watching her husband move towards the giant metal vault that contained what they were looking for.

"Sasuke-kun, what are you planning to do exactly?"

"Naruto is right about that one part." The raven-haired boy stared at the giant door and narrowed his eyes, his mind focusing on the time-travel scroll. "There's no way I can get into the past. Not when there's already a me there."

Sakura raised her eyebrows. "Then..."

"There's just something I have to confirm." He says, giving his eyes a shut as he held up his fingers to form a sign. Sakura watched as the vault slowly started to open, with almost no noise at all. Sometimes she wondered if there was really anything her husband couldn't do.

After the door was fully open, he started his way inside, taking a giant step over the bottom of the ledge into the safe. The pink-haired girl followed him closely from behind as he reached the center of the vault and picked up the big scroll Naruto had showed them earlier.

Sakura glanced at the parchment in her husband's hands, analyzing his expression of deep thought. "What is it?"

The raven-haired man opened the scroll, slowly unwinding it so that he could thoroughly investigate its contents.

"There's just something about it." He started as he scanned through the initial instructions of the technique. "I feel like I've seen a glimpse of it before."

After looking over the rest of the material, Sasuke paused as he came across a blurred portion of the writing, hidden at the very bottom of the instructions. It seemed to be a stamp with a cluster of words together into the shape of a rectangle, and in the middle..

"The Uchiha crest."

"What?" Sakura whispered in awe, quickly rushing closer beside her husband and grabbing the side of the scroll so she could see more clearly. It was faint, but it was definitely there. "Do the Uchiha's have something to do with this time-travel technique?"

"That's what I'm thinking." Sasuke says, brows furrowing as he tranced off into his mind. "Sakura. I'm going to try something."

".. Are you going to try and activate it?"

"Sarada already broke the seal for the initial entry. I don't believe it's possible to directly enter into the past. But if I'm correct.. this will work, to some extent."

Sakura watched as the raven-haired boy took a sharp bite of his thumb, revealing a fast trickle of blood down his skin before he slammed it onto the red circle in the scroll.


The pink-haired girl jumped back as a white light sprung from the scroll, embodying the entire room accompanied by a strong wind. She held her arms back, hiding her eyes from the brightness of the energy.

In a few seconds, the light slowly dissipated, along with the presence of her husband.


Maybe she should run away.

That's it. If she found a way to destroy the bracelet, she'd be stuck in here forever. And that was perfect. If she was real careful, she could find ways to alter the past and everything would be okay again. Her father wouldn't be a maniac. Her mother wouldn't have almost gotten killed by his own hands. She'd make this past, a liveable present.

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